Her Sky Cowboy

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Book: Her Sky Cowboy by Beth Ciotta Read Free Book Online
Authors: Beth Ciotta
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Paranormal
back, reminding himself that Amelia, though feisty, was recovering from what would have been in the hands of a lesser pilot a fatal wreck. Instead of engaging her in deep conversation, he’d do better to snuff this meeting and escort her to bed. The only thing stopping him was her reverent appreciation of the view. Gazing over the bow, rosy lips curved in a smile, wind ruffling the tendrils that had escaped her messy coiled braids and tattered magician’s hat…Amelia Darcy was a glorious sight.
    “I’ve never flown at night. There is an added degree of danger,” she said in a thoughtful voice. “As if navigating whilst wearing a blindfold.”
    “No different from sailing a ship on darkened seas.” He moved in, his arm brushing hers as he pointed up. “We navigate by the stars and astronomical compendiums, an instrument that—”
    “I know what it does, Mr. Gentry. I own one myself.”
    “Of course, you do.”
    “Probably not as fancy as yours.”
    “I’d wager not. Doesn’t mean it’s less dependable.”
    “Are you humoring me, sir?”
    “Not at all, miss.” He spoke close to her ear, breathing in her distinct scent. “In addition to conventional navigational means,” he plowed on, “tonight we’re blessed with the light of a nearly full moon. Truth told, we prefer travelin’ when the sun’s asleep. Less activity. Less chance of…unwanted encounters.”
    “You mean air constables.” She quirked a wry grin. “Are you carrying illegal cargo, Mr. Gentry?”
    “Never mind my cargo, Miss Darcy.”
    “According to the
, part of the reason you’re able to circumvent ‘unwanted encounters’ is because of your customized blasterbeefs. I’m still uncertain as to how they operate.”
    “As am I.”
    She cast him a perplexed look. “But you designed—”
    “With the help of an expert in the field. I’m a pilot, not an engineer.”
    “Is it true you outmaneuvered Frank and Jesse James in an aerial showdown?”
    “Read a lot of dreadfuls, do you?”
    “I also enjoy daily newspapers, scientific periodicals, and materials related to past and future aeronautics.” She stiffened in offense and gave him her back. “I suppose you prefer your women docile and ladylike. The delicate sort who read about fashion and etiquette.”
    “I prefer my women spirited and curious.” She didn’t flinch, but he knew he’d shocked her. “And yes, it’s true about the James brothers.”
    “Astonishing,” she whispered.
    He didn’t know whether she referred to his taste in women or his air skirmish with the James boys. Didn’t matter. What charmed him was her general sense of awe. Her fascination with aviation stimulated his sexual appetite like French champagne. He’d never known a woman pilot. Never encountered a woman so hungry for technological knowledge. Yes, she was beautiful, but it was Amelia’s sharp and inquisitive mind that made Tuck randy as hell.
    Breathing deeply, he fought an almighty urge to free those corn silk curls, allowing them to flutter around her mesmerizing face. She looked fetching enough in the moonlight as it was. Also, he didn’t figure she’d appreciate the intimate gesture. For all her bluster and salty language, Miss Darcy struck him as an innocent. Or maybe she was frigid. He shouldn’t care. He didn’t care, except the better he knew their guest, the better he could anticipate how best to handle her presence on the
    “Just in case you were worried, Eli dropped your friend safely at a reputable inn.”
    “I wasn’t worried. Mr. Boone seems most respectable.”
    “Many would argue that point.”
    “I’m well aware of your crew’s reputation and your frequent brushes with danger.”
    “Yet you’re not afraid to fly with us.”
    “I can take care of myself.”
    “With that peashooter you pulled on Axel earlier today?”
    She squared her shoulders, but kept her gaze averted. “With whatever means available.”
    Tuck crossed his arms, studied

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