Entwined With the Dark
débâcle this evening with Amun. It sounded impressive. Two rogues, three Darks balanced with the Light. My hunter skills mixed with my Lux Lucis Tribuo skills. Anyone would have been impressed. I just felt empty. Devoid of emotion. At least I wasn't displaying an unhealthy amount of pride.
    Trevor looked at me with outright awe, Marie sunk further into her chair trying to hide from anyone's sight and Arthur just rubbed the stubble on his chin, watching me through shrewd eyes.
    Get me out of here! I shouted in my head. I hate this! I want to go home. And then a sob in my head at the realisation I didn't have a home. Not one I recognised anyway.
    "Do you mind if I make a drink?" I asked Arthur as no one seemed to want to say a thing. The silence was omnipresent. I hated it too. He just nodded and I took myself off to the kitchen. I could hear their low voices start up in conversation again as I exited the room. I couldn't be bothered figuring out what was being said, I just needed some space.
    I switched the kettle on and found a clean mug in a cupboard then scoured Arthur's pantry for some coffee. Instant, and it was a bit clumpy, so no doubt stale, but I wasn't about to complain. After preparing my cup of Joe I willed myself to be strong and went back into the lounge. The talking stopped when I reappeared. I failed to stifle my sigh when I sat back down.
    "Marie, Trevor, can you give us moment," Arthur said quietly and the two other Nosferatins retreated to the kitchen where I had just come from.
    I took a sip of my coffee, cringed at the bitter taste and belligerently didn't look up at Arthur. He came and sat down in front of me, resting on the solid coffee table. His butt just missing the empty biscuit plate.
    "We have rules in London, Luce," he said evenly. Crap, this speech again. "We work as a team. For our safety, for cohesiveness. Because I say so. There can only be one head of a family, too many in charge and you just have mayhem. Now, I know you are not a follower. You are a leader." Huh? "But, I'm telling you now, you fight me on this, you will lose. This is my city. These are my rules. And if you can't accept them, then you need to leave."
    His words had been even and non-threatening, softly spoken so that their intent carried so much more weight. I lifted my gaze up to his, he raised his eyebrows expecting some sort of reply. I couldn't give it, I was speechless. I had fucked up my meeting with the Master Vampire of the City, but he had agreed to let me stay and hunt in the end. Arthur, a Nosferatin, someone on my side, had just given me an ultimatum. Play by the rules or get the fuck out.
    We sat silently staring at each other and then finally I reached forward and placed the nearly full cup of coffee on the table and stood to my feet.
    "Thanks for the coffee," I said evenly and turned my on heel and left.
    He let me. I'm not sure why. He didn't argue. he didn't make a threat. Maybe he knew I needed time to think it through. Maybe he understood how difficult this was for me. In any case he let me walk out of his house, out of his weekly Nosferatin meeting, and he didn't say a thing.
    Sergei was surprised to see me slip through the door so soon after arriving. His shock evident on his face. Nataliya was too busy scanning the street, a small frown marring her normally smooth brow.
    "Let's go, guys," I said without explanation. I really did need to think.
    I decided, as I walked toward the Mini, that we'd go to Samson's house in Kensington. It wasn't the location, it was more the fact that Samson's house was airy and light, nothing as oppressive as Michel's Victorian monstrosity. I needed light, actually I needed Light , but Samson's house would do. It would give me space from some of what ails me right now. It would bring me closer to Samson, whom I missed more than I had thought I would, and bring me some Light.
    I was already sitting in the car before I noticed Nataliya and Sergei conferring out on the street.

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