Emerald Garden

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Book: Emerald Garden by Andrea Kane Read Free Book Online
Authors: Andrea Kane
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Historical, Regency
unbearably cocky while I’ve been away. What makes you think you’ll emerge victorious?”
    “The fact that I’m a better marksman than you.”
    Unfeigned laughter rumbled in Quentin’s chest. “Arrogant little hoyden. Very well, we’ve selected our weapons. What shall we choose as a prize?”
    “The opportunity to gloat.”
    “Hmm.” Quentin considered her suggestion. “Not a terribly impressive prize. What if we add a breakneck gallop through the woods, winner astride Poseidon?”
    “Oh, yes!” Brandi breathed. “I can hardly wait to show you how expertly I handle Poseidon.”
    “If you win,” Quentin reminded her. “If not, you’ll have to demonstrate your prowess on Goddess’s back.” His eyes twinkled. “Astride, nonetheless.”
    “To be sure.” Brandi shot him an impish grin. “And if you lose, you’ll ride Goddess—astride, nonetheless.”
    “How gracious of you.” Quentin chuckled.
    “Shall we?” She gestured toward the trees behind the gazebo. “I’ve already chosen the perfect spot for our match.”
    “Lead the way, Sunbeam.”
    Guiding him through the trees, Brandi reached a small clearing, then halted. “Here.”
    With a nod of approval, Quentin surveyed the area. “An excellent choice. Now, where is our target and who shall begin?”
    Brandi squinted, pointing ahead. “Right down that line of hawthorn is a Wych elm. Can you see it?”
    “If you’re referring to that sweeping tree dividing those two rows of shrubs, yes; I see it.”
    “I apologize.” Brandi arched a saucy brow, looking anything but sorry. “I’d forgotten how little you know about perennial vegetation. Yes, that sweeping tree amid the rows of shrubs.”
    “Careful, Sunbeam. Such flagrant condescension might persuade me to reconsider my original intent to minimize my gloating.”
    “A moot point, my lord, since you’re going to lose.”
    A glimmer of amusement. “You do realize that target is even farther away than our last—most likely ninety five feet or more?”
    “I selected it tor that very reason,” she retaliated. Our exact target will be the fourth limb from the bottom on the left side. As close to the trunk as possible. One bullet apiece. Agreed?”
    “Good. Now, take your best shot, Captain Steel.”
    “Very well.” Quentin withdrew his weapon from inside his coat. “Let the contest commence.”
    Twenty minutes later, Quentin was still muttering as they trudged toward the stables. “I’m not sure how, but I’m certain you cheated.”
    Brandi laughed. “You’re a terrible loser, my lord.”
    “And you’re an insufferable winner, my lady.”
    “ ’Ello, Lord Quentin, Lady Brandi.” Frederick, Emerald Manor’s young stableboy, looked up in surprise. “Did ye plan to ride now?”
    “Indeed we did,” Brandi answered cheerily. “Would you mind saddling up Poseidon and Goddess for us, Frederick?”
    “Poseidon is even more spirited than usual today, m’lord,” Frederick cautioned, gazing at Quentin. “So take care.”
    “Lord Quentin will be on Goddess,” Brandi corrected. “ I shall be riding Poseidon.” She rushed on before Frederick could convince Quentin otherwise. “And I promise to be extremely cautious. But as you well know, I’ve been exercising Poseidon daily. So he’s quite accustomed to my being on his back.”
    Frederick glanced questioningly at Quentin.
    “Do as Lady Brandi requested, Frederick. I’ll make certain she is mindful of Poseidon’s energetic state.”
    “Very good, m’lord.” The stableboy hastened off.
    “I need no overseeing, Quentin,” Brandi muttered in protest. “I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself.”
    “Tell that to Desmond.” The words were out before Quentin could recall them.
    Brandi gave him a puzzled look. “What do you mean?”
    He averted his head, jaw set. “Only that my brother is taking his responsibility as your guardian very seriously.”
    “Is he?” Brandi shrugged. “That

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