Stripping Her Defenses

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Book: Stripping Her Defenses by Jessie Lane Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jessie Lane
time I got that much out, and he was trying to forcibly maneuver my body back behind him. “Jesus, woman! You don’t ever put yourself in harm’s way for me!”
    Planting my feet firmly, I wrapped one of my hands around Riley’s forearm, leaving the other hand out in front of me to continue warding off Ice and Hammer. “I don’t know what you think you saw or assumed about what was going on, but I know him.”
    Ice snapped, “I heard him yelling at you, and then I walk in the room to find his hands on you, woman. I don’t know what the fuck he’s got over you, Kara, but you just move the fuck out of the way; I’ll handle it so he doesn’t have anything over you anymore, babe.”
    Before I could refute Ice’s words, Riley snarled, “You don’t call my fucking wife ‘babe,’ asshole!”
    An unsettling level of silence descended on the room. I watched as Hammer’s eyebrows rose until they practically touched his forehead. Ice, on the other hand, looked statue still, although the twitch of his left eye gave away his anger. This situation had just gone from bad to holy shit ugly with one comment. Of course, Riley couldn’t have known that what he was saying would cause a shit storm; nonetheless, there it was.
    I waited with bated breath to see what Ice would do, fearing the worst when I saw the subtle movement of his jaw that meant he was grinding his teeth. A few seconds passed while I waited to see if he would pull the trigger from anger; however, something that looked strangely like defeat passed over his eyes, and he lowered his gun.
    “Looks like your past came back knockin’. Handle your shit, and then get your ass on stage. We’ll talk later.”
    With that, he gave Hammer a chin lift and then left the room. Hammer lowered his gun and put it back in his shoulder harness. He didn’t leave the room right away, though. Instead, he pointed a finger in our direction and sucked his teeth as if he was biting back his words. Then he shook his head, turned on his heel, and pushed both Declan and the man I didn’t know out of the doorway so he could slam the door closed on his way out.
    My head fell forward as I heaved a huge sigh of relief. The relief was short lived since the bigger of my two problems stood behind me, tightening the hold he had on my waist as he dropped his head until it touched the back of my neck.
    “God, I missed you, babe. It feels like I’ve been living without something vital since you left.”
    I pushed against his arm so he would let me go; yet, instead of releasing me, he tightened his hold again until it was almost painful. The funny thing was, it wasn’t the too tight grip that hurt me the most. No, it was the grief I could feel rolling off him because I wanted him to let me go when he didn’t want to.
    Finally, he loosened his grip, although he didn’t drop his arm, and I read the silent message there. He’d let me walk out of his arms, but he was really hoping I wouldn’t want to. My heart clenched in my chest, and I felt tears prick at my eyes as I did what was best for both of us—walked away.
    Moving out of his embrace felt wrong, as if I were cutting off a piece of myself and trying to leave it behind. However, no matter what my heart was trying to tell me, my mind reminded me there was too much between us to make it right again.
    Turning to face the man who once knew every little thing about me, I wondered what he thought when he looked at me now. I was a completely different person than the one he’d been married to. A healthier person. I dare say a happier person, but I knew that would be pushing the truth.
    His stare was penetrating and begging, pleading with me not to walk away. Imploring with me not to shut him out. Challenging me to stay and fight for a love I could see shining for me in his eyes. A love I still held for him yet refused to let him see anymore.
    Sometimes the ones who loved us the most hurt us.
    There was a time when I thought Riley had broken me

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