not-so-healthy behaviors is buying veggies but then having to throw them out because you didn’t eat them before they perished, make sure you always cut them up the minute you get home from grocery shopping so they’re handy and accessible.
Step 5: Prepare to Celebrate Your Accomplishments
You’re going to be working so hard to make positive changes, you have to make sure you take the time to celebrate them as you go. Do something nice for yourself when you reach some of your mini-goals to keep your energy and drive going strong.
Not sure what to do? Try to select rewards that are like carrots dangling on a stick in front of you. Set things that you may not ordinarily do for yourself, such as:
A day at the spa
New clothes to show off your new body
Upload a new book to listen to as you exercise
Buying a new gadget for the kitchen to make healthy cooking easier
Try to select rewards that will help you reach your goal, such as the last two. The more you do to promote a healthy lifestyle, the more likely you’ll make it an everyday habit.
Chapter 2: Fasting 101
Is fasting good for you? Some say it’s not healthy for your body at all. Other experts say it’s actually beneficial to give your body some time without food; that it helps you feel better mentally and physically. Who do you believe?
First, let’s differentiate the different types of fasting. Some say no food and some allow only specific foods. If you’re looking at doing a liquid fast, it should only be for a limited period of time.
Fasting has gained popularity for one purpose – to rid your body of unnecessary toxins and wastes. When you consider how many unnatural substances you consume daily in processed foods, it’s no wonder your body retaliates by not feeling as good as it could. It’s like putting a bunch of dirt in a paint can and wondering why it doesn’t go on the wall all smooth and clean.
Not only do you get these substances from things you eat, but you get them from everything else you come in contact with as well. For instance, when you put scented lotions on your skin, your body takes in all the ingredients. Do this over time with cleaning supplies, makeup and even water from the sink and you can see why you may feel a little sluggish or lethargic.
So, if you are interested in beginning your weight loss journey with a fast, it’s certainly understandable. Here are some options that others found helpful:
Cutting Out Sugar
One of the most basic and helpful fasts is the sugar fast. Simply remove foods from your diet that contain sugar and white flour (simple carbohydrates) and replace them with complex carbohydrates like oats, barley, fruit and veggies. As it cuts out unhealthy foods, this type of fast can go on indefinitely.
Just a word of caution: you may have some sugar withdrawal symptoms, particularly if it’s been part of your diet for some time. So, be prepared for headaches and a sick stomach until your body gets rid of the sugar you have built up in your system.
The best way to make it through this process quickly is to consume a lot of water. The faster you can get your body to release the sugars, the better you’ll feel.
Eat Only Natural Foods
The more you work with a food through cooking, the more vitamins and minerals it loses in the process. Therefore, if you want to get the most from your food, some believe it’s best to just eat it raw like the cavemen did.
This presents a few issues when dealing with certain foods, like eggs, which ultimately should be eliminated since they’re not safe unless cooked. But, if you choose to take this route, you can still get plenty of nutrition from other foods such as nuts, fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
If you’re not big on meats, you can actually follow this type of fast for quite some time. Just make sure you get adequate protein so your muscles stay healthy and strong.
Popular amongst celebrities, juicing has now found its way into the average
Lee Ann Sontheimer Murphy