Milky Coffee and Office Gossip

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Book: Milky Coffee and Office Gossip by Liza Kay Read Free Book Online
Authors: Liza Kay
Tags: Gay, Contemporary, Adult, Erotic Romance, glbt
when the sun comes up? All those colors are stunning. The quiet is so overwhelming, like the earth is holding its breath for a short time before the chaos of the day starts once again till night finally descends. I love this time of the day because, just like the earth, I can breathe. I stop thinking about my job and all those petty little problems that, in the end, mean nothing.
    Another fact. I like sitting in the mall although I hate shopping with a passion. Instead, I enjoy watching people. While sitting there, I see them interact, see happy couples and arguing couples. Watching them makes me wonder what it’d be like to have someone to be happy with. Even to argue with.
    Since we met, I couldn’t stop thinking about going to the mall with you. Not to watch, but to walk around, chat and bicker. I’d tell you I want to buy a shirt and you’d argue the color is ugly. It’s those trifles I always missed. Maybe, someday, we’ll get the chance to explore them. Together.
    Another tidbit about me I never shared. When I was in high school, I had to present a paper in front of the whole class. I was so horribly nervous I puked three times that day.
    This weakness never left me, not even when I started law school. The first time I had to go to court—not as a bystander, but to represent a client—I puked at home before having breakfast. Then I lost said breakfast in the court toilet. My hands were shaking and I was sweaty as hell. Later, standing in front of the judge, I fought hard not to pass out. Over the years it’s gotten better, but it still happens now and then.
    You’re the first person I’ve ever told that. I consider it a weakness and I hate feeling weak or not in control. Being in a relationship—I hope we’ll have one eventually—and sharing feelings with your partner, is not weak. I understand that now. Sharing and confessing your own flaws and shortcomings is not a weakness. It takes strength to trust another person with your secrets. It also means you’ll have somebody to lean on. Somebody you can confide in, no matter what. Somebody who will always have your back.
    My wish is, to someday be that someone for you. And for you to be that someone for me. I’m ready to share everything. Everything but my heart, of course, because that belongs to you. Only you.
    With deep affection,
    Remy closed the letter, folded it and put it in its envelope. He had a helping hand at Harding Constructions who’d take care of placing the plant and the letter on Corey’s desk before he came to work tomorrow morning. All set in the romance department, Remy cleared the table, then got ready for the office.
    On Thursday, Remy laughed when he opened the little package he’d found on the desk in his office. Inside were a red silk cravat and a short note. He’d just returned from a lunch date with a client, and the package hadn’t been there when he’d left. Seemed Corey was as sneaky as he was when it came to smuggling presents into other people’s offices. He suspected his secretary, Paula, of being Corey’s secret ally. The woman had looked suspiciously smug when he’d gone out to lunch.
    Remy unfolded the note and read.
    Dear boyfriend,
    Yesterday’s letter touched me deeply. With only a few sheets of paper, you revealed more about yourself than during five weeks of dating. I realize now how serious you are about us, that you want to fight for us. For me. Nobody has ever done that, and I can’t wait to see what tomorrow will bring.
    Your letter made me understand that you didn’t avoid discussing our future because you don’t want one, but because you didn’t know how to express your feelings and wishes properly. I’m glad you decided on such a romantic tactic.
    I added a little something in your favorite color to battle the stage fright. I picked the cravat because it’s a neat, unobtrusive form for a lucky charm. And you can think of me while you’re wearing it. Thank you for sharing

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