Hitler, Donitz, and the Baltic Sea

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Authors: Howard D. Grier
in chief of the German navy, October 1928–January 1943
    Reinhardt, Gen. Hans : commander of Third Panzer Army, October 1941–August 1944; commander of Army Group Center/North, August 1944–January 1945
    Rendulic, Gen. Lothar : commander of Army Group North/Courland, January 1945 and March–April 1945; commander of Army Group Center/North January–March 1945
    Ruge, Vice Adm. Friedrich : chief of the Navy’s Warship Construction Office, November 1944–May 1945
    Saucken, Gen. Dietrich von : commander of Second Army/Army of East Prussia, March–May 1945
    Schmundt, Adm. Hubert : commander of Naval High Command, Baltic, March 1943–February 1944
    Schörner, Field Marshal Ferdinand : commander of Army Group North, July 1944–January 1945
    Sköld, Per Edvin : Swedish defense minister
    Speer, Albert : Minister for Armaments and War Production, 1942–1945
    Thiele, Vice Adm. August : commander, Second Task Force, July 1944–April 1945, Commanding Admiral Eastern Baltic, April–May 1945
    Thörnell, Gen. Olof : supreme commander of Sweden’s armed forces to the end of March 1944
    Uthmann, Gen. Bruno von : German military attaché in Stockholm, 1938–1945
    Vietinghoff, Gen. Heinrich-Gottfried von : commander of Army Group Courland, January–March 1945
    Voss, Vice Adm. Hans-Erich : permanent naval representative to Hitler (Admiral Führer Headquarters), March 1943–April 1945
    Wagner, Rear Adm. Gerhard : head of Skl’s Operations Department, June 1941–June 1944; Admiral on Special Duty, June 1944–May 1945
    Walter, Professor Dr. Hellmuth : German submarine designer
    Wangenheim, Adm. Hubert : Skl operations officer, 1941–October 1944
    Warlimont, Gen. Walter : deputy chief of Armed Forces operations staff, 1939–September 1944
    Weiss, Gen. Walter : commander of Second Army, February 1943–March 1945; commander of Army Group Center/North, March–April 1945
    Wenck, Gen. Walter : head of OKH’s Operations Department, July–September 1944; head of OKH’s Command Group, September 1944–February 1945
    Weygold, Capt. Konrad : naval liaison officer to Army General Staff, November 1941–April 1944
    Zeitzler, Gen. Kurt : chief of the German Army General Staff, September 1942–July 1944

    Archival Sources
    Microcopy T-77 (OKW), T-78 (OKH), T-311 (Army Groups), T-312 (Armies), T-313 (Panzer Armies), T-314 (Army Corps), T-608 (OKM), T-1022 (Naval Records).
    Record Group 243, entry 6: Records of the U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey.
    Army Records
    RH 2: OKH/Generalstab des Heeres.
    RH 7: OKH/Heerespersonalamt.
    RH 10: OKH/Generalinspekteur der Panzertruppen.
    RH 19 II: Heeresgruppe Mitte.
    RH 19 III: Heeresgruppe Nord.
    RH 19 VI: Heeresgruppe A.
    RH 19 XV: Heeresgruppe Weichsel.
    RH 20-2: Armeeoberkommando 2.
    RH 20-4: Armeeoberkommando 4.
    RH 20-16: Armeeoberkommando 16.
    RH 20-18: Armeeoberkommando 18.
    RH 21-3: Panzerarmeeoberkommando 3.
    RH 24-28: Generalkommando XXVIII.
    RH 26-1005: Panzer-Grenadier Division “Grossdeutschland.”
    RH 27-4: Panzer-Division 4.
    RH 53-7: Wehrkreiskommando 7.
    Naval Records
    RM 6: Oberbefehlshaber der Kriegsmarine.
    RM 7: Seekriegsleitung.
    RM 8: Kriegswissenschaftliche Abteilung der Kriegsmarine.
    RM 31: Marineoberkommando Ostsee.
    RM 45 Ost: Dienst- und Kommandostellen der Kriegsmarine mit regionaler und lokaler Zuständigkeit.
    RM 67: Sicherungsdivisionen.
    RM 87: Befehlshaber der Unterseeboote der Kriegsmarine.
    M 533: Admiral Ostland.
    M 543: Admiral Östliche Ostsee.
    Armed Forces High Command Records
    RW 4: OKW/Wehrmachtführungsstab.
    RW 44I: Führungsstäbe des OKW.
    Personal Papers
    N 54: Nachlass Wilhelm Keitel.
    N 60: Nachlass Ferdinand Schörner.
    N 63: Nachlass Kurt Zeitzler.
    N 186: Nachlass Herbert Loch.
    N 236: Nachlass Karl Dönitz.
    N 245: Nachlass Hans Reinhardt.
    N 316: Nachlass Eberhard Weichold.
    N 317: Nachlass Hubert Lamay.
    N 379: Nachlass Friedrich Ruge.
    N 391:

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