The Highlander's Lady
falling in virile wisps against his stubbled cheeks. Myra was not going to close her eyes. She was going to watch every moment of this. Feel every touch, breath.
    Daniel’s lips met hers. They were warm, soft and rough at the same time. They brushed back and forth as if he wanted to feel every last trace of her lips.
    His lashes were dark, long, thick, and pressed to his cheeks. Little blue veins were etched over his lids, and his brows were arched, full. A tiny scar graced the space between his brows. As his lips tenderly touched hers, making her heart race, her palms sweat and legs tremble, Myra found she could no longer concentrate on his features.
    She closed her eyes.

Chapter Six

    H oly Mary Mother of God…
    Myra’s lips were the sweetest of sins. Soft, plush, warm, wet where she’d flicked her tongue over them. Daniel couldn’t get enough of her sweet kiss. Couldn’t get enough of her .
    She was tempting, seductive. Her cheek was warm as his nose bumped against it. Daniel wanted to tuck her tight against him, to feel the entire length of her body pressed to his. But he couldn’t.
    Not yet.
    She was so innocent. He didn’t want to scare her. Handfasting was important. Must be done, and now.
    Gently, he pulled away from her, took in the dazed look in her eyes. She gazed at him with wonder, surprise, and there was a bit of fear dancing in there as well.
    He gripped her hands in his, feeling them tremble slightly at his touch.
    “Why did ye do that?” she asked.
    “Kiss ye?”
    “Aye.” She kept pressing her lips firmly together, only to move them around a little, like she could still feel him kissing her.
    Daniel tried hard not to laugh a little at that. He’d kiss her again if she didn’t stop.
    “I couldna help myself.”
    “I told ye , ye had little control.” She frowned in the most adorable way.
    Daniel grinned. “Ye tempt me. Did ye not enjoy it?”
    Myra’s face flushed a pretty shade of red and she flicked her gaze toward the ground. “Nay.” She bit her lip.
    Her head snapped up. “Why do ye say that?”
    “Well, from the way ye kissed me back, and the feel of your quickened breath upon my cheek I would have thought ye did. Ye didna pull away either. ’Twas I who ended the kiss.”
    At this she met his eyes, fire dancing in their depths. “Are ye saying that ye didna enjoy it?”
    Oh, saints, this woman was a pleasure to tease.
    “Well, I could tell ’twas either your first, or ye’ve been with some lousy kissers.”
    She gasped, her blush deepening, spreading down her neck, and he wished to rip open her cloak and spy if that blush caressed her breasts. She wiggled her fingers at him and too late he realized where he’d been staring. And she’d caught him.
    “What was it ye were saying about self-control? Ye have none?” Myra gave a disgusted snort and rolled her eyes .
    Daniel had to remember that she was a lady. A virgin. An innocent. Not one of the women he’d likely take up with at a tavern or one of the more promiscuous widows he enjoyed well into the night. Myra may not even know exactly what went on between a man and a woman.
    He was suddenly contrite.
    “Apologies, my lady. I seem to have forgotten myself.”
    She grunted in a very unladylike way. “I’d say so. Shall we get on with it?”
    “With what?”
    At this, she rolled her eyes once more . What the hell was happening? Daniel always had the upper hand . How was it that this slip of a woman had made him lose his mind? How had she taken over control of him so quickly and easily? ’Twas only a kiss, and not even a very good one. There’d not even been one tongue involved.
    Daniel glowered down at her, sickened when he noted that slight streaks of natural red twisted through her otherwise black hair. Why should he notice such a fine detail?
    “The handfasting, ye brute. ’Twill not be lon g before the man’s friends come along, hoping to catch me off guard. They ’ve not take n kindly

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