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Book: Descendant by Nichole Giles Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nichole Giles
they’re waiting.”
    The night brightens farther from the building. Tiny glowing lights flicker in and out of the snow-covered branches, and a gust of warm, sweet-smelling air invites us forward. A gentle, peaceful hum tickles my ears as it’s carried on the breeze like angel music. My sensitive nose detects traces of honeysuckle and lilac, fresh grass and salt water—scents I associate more with spring than winter. Especially winter in a sulfur-soaked park riddled with volcanic activity.
    At the edge of the tree line, Kye encircles my waist protectively and positions me in front of him. “What are we waiting for?” I whisper.
    “The sprites are inspecting your energy field. They want to know if they can trust you.”
    Kye lets go and steps away. “Our fields are mixed. I’m being asked to move aside.”
    “Sprites?” I ask again.
    His mouth drops open in surprise, but then he closes it and smiles. “You’ve never seen an elemental.”
    I move forward involuntarily, longing for more of the warmth I can feel blowing from somewhere through the trees, but Kye holds me back. “Stay still.”
    “What’s an elemental?”
    He runs a hand down my hair. “Elementals are manifestations of the basic elements that support our Gifts. They give us life and protect the earth.”
    I wonder why Gram never mentioned sprites—or elementals. And then I wonder who explained it to Kye. A few minutes later, he nudges me forward, grinning. “You’re in. We’re invited to the party.”


Faery Parties and Magic
    As   Kye leads me through the thicket of trees, I find the piney scent comforting, familiar. Warm air swirls around, engulfing us in spring-like temperatures even as snow crunches under our feet and hangs in thick strands from the foliage. Farther in, the light gets brighter and the aroma of roasting herbs urges me forward.
    When the trail narrows and the light dims, Kye squeezes my hand and we duck below a heavy curtain of branches. A high-pitched squeaking noise makes me scan the area, but I see nothing other than snow and the occasional patch of green. I feel like the forest is shrinking in on me and fight off a wave of claustrophobia as we’re forced to duck even lower. “Almost there,” Kye says. After a few more feet, we emerge in a clearing.
    Thousands of tiny lights hover in the air and a cheery fire dances inches off the ground within a circle of stones. A creature is perched at the edge of a pine log. Her greenish skin is shot through with veins of darker green and a wild array of fiery red vines cascade to the jagged hem of her filmy deep-green skirt. Her bare feet tap a rhythm on one of the stones as she turns a spit of squash, wild onions, and asparagus. A basket of herbs nestles on the ground near the fire.
    The creature turns, and I shiver in surprise when the flames glint off a pair of iridescent wings.
    “A faery,” Kye says under his breath. He bows. “We offer thanksto Nematona and the faeries for gifts to the trees and the animals, the plants, the water, and all living things. And thank you for granting my request.”
    “You answered your summons earlier, and now the favor has been repaid.” The faery’s voice is high-pitched, musical. Warm air swirls around me like a mini tornado. “Your female possesses an elemental Gift but has never called upon us for aid. Why?”
    “Her understanding has been limited,” Kye says.
    “You speak truth.” The faery turns to me and smiles, baring jagged teeth. “You may call me Alena. I sense many questions within you.” She probes me with emerald green eyes, reminding me of how I feel when Kye looks at me. “The answers you seek are buried within your heart. Only you have the power to find them.”
    Squeaking noises ripple through the clearing again. “Watch this.” Kye’s arm curls around me protectively.
    My pulse vibrates in a wild rhythm as the trees sway unnaturally and large things move out of the shadows.

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