Nothing Created Everything: The Scientific Impossibility of Atheistic Evolution

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Book: Nothing Created Everything: The Scientific Impossibility of Atheistic Evolution by Ray Comfort Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ray Comfort
Tags: Chrisitian
box, a heat lamp, eight of her buddies, food, and water to drink.
    It made me think of some people I know who are confined to the small box of the atheist worldview. Their philosophy of “I have no belief in a God” shuts out the eternal and the infinite. It confines them to the natural world, when there is a massive living room of the Supernatural surrounding them. Being born of the Spirit (see John 3) lifts us up out of the confines of the natural world and allows us to think outside of the box.
    All it takes to get out is a leap of faith. Talk of faith may make you nervous, but you won’t be disappointed if you repent first, then couple that repentance with simple trust in the Savior. Please do it. Unless you are chicken.
    A group of onlookers once stared at a luxury liner and could not believe what they saw. Some passengers had dived into the sea and were clinging to a lifeboat while the rest of the passengers who stayed on board were laughing at them.
    The onlookers remarked to each other how foolish they were to dive off the boat. Then the great liner hit something under the sea, sunk in moments and dragged all those who stayed on board down with it.
    Suddenly they realized that those who looked like fools were wise, and those who stayed on the ship and looked liked they were wise, were actually fools.
    We know that we look like bird-brained fools because we have left the pleasures of this sinful world and cling to Jesus Christ. But we also know that the time will come when we will be seen to be wise, and those who seem to be wise will be shown to be fools. It’s far better to be a bird-brain than a dead dog.
    But how could God send a sweet elderly lady to Hell? Say you knew a ninety-five-year-old lady who was a wonderful person, who never said an unkind word to a soul. Then I have to ask how you knew that in her ninety-five years she never said a harsh word to a soul. Perhaps you are being charitable yourself and kindly giving your friend the benefit of the doubt. But let’s say that she was almost morally perfect, except for three slips a day. Just three times each twenty-four hours did she perhaps think a lustful thought, or fail to love God with her heart, mind, soul, and strength, or fail to love her neighbor (everyone) as much as she loved herself (which is the essence of the requirement of God’s Law). Maybe she became angry without cause, or was greedy, unthankful to God, or selfish. But she slipped only three timeseach day. So she sins against God a thousand times a year. If we take a count from the age of ten, that’s eighty-five thousand sins (crimes against His Law) that God has seen and must punish because of His perfect holiness.
    Most of us would sin ten times as much as that with our lustful, selfish, self-righteous, unthankful, and greedy thoughts, as well as our lying, stealing, blasphemy, and failing to do what we know we should. That’s why the Bible says that each of us has a “multitude” of sins (see James 5:20).
    So if your elderly friend was as perfect as you say she was, she doesn’t need a Savior. She will be fine on Judgment Day. However, if she was like the rest of us, and she actually became pious in her old age because she was driven by a guilty conscience, she desperately needed God’s forgiveness. And she could have found that in the person of Jesus Christ.
    God promised that He would liberate the human race from death and that He would do this through the suffering death of the Jewish Messiah (see Isaiah 53). The result would be peace with God for all who would humble themselves, repent, and trust the God-given Savior (see Isaiah 55:1-3). Peace with God would mean everlasting life for humanity.
    The Old Testament said that the result of conversion would be a new heart with new desires—desires to please the God with Whom we were once at enmity (a “heart of stone” towards Him): “I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will

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