Mystery of the Hot Air Balloon

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Book: Mystery of the Hot Air Balloon by Charles Tang Read Free Book Online
Authors: Charles Tang
    “It is usually near an open field,” Sky answered. “It’s where we launch the balloon.”
    Henry invited them inside.
    “Would you like a cold drink?” Jessie asked.
    “We sure would,” Matt said.
    While they waited for the chase crew, Matt and Sky drank lemonade and talked about ballooning.
    “We’re going to start a ballooning business in Lloyd’s Landing. We’ll take people up for rides and also teach them how to balloon,” Sky told them. “It’s the perfect place to do this.”
    “And we’re holding a rally this weekend to advertise the opening,” Matt added.
    “Will there be lots of people there?” Benny asked. He imagined the sky full of colorful balloons. What a sight that must be!
    Matt laughed. “We hope so.”
    “How would you like to come to the rally?” Sky asked. “We could use your help.”
    “You’re a good crew,” Matt agreed. “And when the rally’s over, we’ll take you up in the balloon.”
    Benny’s eyes grew big. This was the adventure he had hoped for. “We’ll be there!”
    “Wait a minute, Benny,” Jessie said. “We have to ask Grandfather first.”
    The doorbell rang. They all went to answer. Henry opened the door. A tall, thin man stood outside.
    Sky said, “Are we glad to see you!” She introduced him to the Aldens. His name was Pete Moran, and he owned an old inn in Lloyd’s Landing. “He’s a volunteer crew member.”
    “Won’t you come in?” Jessie asked politely.
    “I could use something cold to drink,” Pete answered. “Chasing balloons is hard work.”
    Jessie poured him a glass of lemonade.
    “Alden?” he said as he set the glass on the tray. “Do you have a relative named James Henry Alden ?”
    “That’s our grandfather,” Henry answered. “I have the same names, only reversed.”
    Pete shook his head. “It certainly is a small world.” He went on to explain that his father and Mr. Alden had been friends. “I haven’t seen your grandfather in years.”
    “Maybe you’ll have the chance to see him this weekend,” Sky told him. “I’ve invited the Aldens to the rally.”
    “That’d be great,” Pete said.
    “We’re not sure we can come,” Jessie said.
    “Grandfather is very busy,” Violet added.
    Henry said, “With all the people coming to the rally, there’s probably nowhere to stay.”
    “There’s always room for an Alden at The Landing’s Inn,” Pete said.
    Benny grinned. “Grandfather’ll let us go. He just has to!”

Grandfather’s News
    O nce the basket and balloon were secured in a small trailer, Sky said to the Aldens, “Let’s hope we’ll meet again soon.” Then she got into Pete Moran’s station wagon. The Landing ’ s Inn was written on its side. As it pulled out of the driveway, Pete, Sky, and Matt waved. The Aldens waved back. Then they went inside.
    “Let’s call Grandfather,” Benny suggested. He was bursting to tell him all about the balloon rally.
    “No, Benny,” Jessie said. “We’ll just have to wait to tell him about the rally until he comes home.”
    Benny groaned. Waiting always seemed to take longer than anything else.
    “Look here,” Henry said. He picked up a newspaper from a chair. It was called The Landing Times. “Pete must have left it.”
    “Does it say anything about the rally?” Violet asked.
    Henry turned a page. “Here’s an ad for the inn.” He read, “ ‘The Landing’s Inn: Best Bed and Breakfast in the County.’ ”
    “Breakfast?” Benny asked. “What about lunch and dinner?”
    Jessie laughed. “I’m sure they wouldn’t let you starve, Benny.”
    “Oh, here’s something about the rally,” Henry said. “It’s an editorial.” He read the article to himself.
    “What does it say?” Violet asked.
    “Mostly, it asks questions,” Henry answered. “ ‘Does Lloyd’s Landing want this new business?’ ” he quoted. “ ‘What will ballooning do to this peaceful community? Is it safe?’ It goes on like that.”
    “Does it

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