10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse: Lose Up to 15 Pounds in 10 Days!

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Book: 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse: Lose Up to 15 Pounds in 10 Days! by J. J. Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: J. J. Smith
inches, but my clothes tell the story and I feel TERRIFIC!! I must give a big shout out to JJ Smith for her introduction to the green life and a jumpstart to my healthy life. Stay blessed and thank you!”
    —Arlisa B.
    “It’s Day 11 and I’m happy to report I’m down 18 lbs.! Wow! Not even to mention my cravings for junk are almost nonexistent. This is so easy compared to other lifestyle changes and by far has given me the best results. Thanks, JJ Smith. . .you’re a beast (in the best way possible), LOL.”
    —Gabrielle C.
    “This is Day 11 for me which means – weigh in. (Drum roll, please). I lost 12 lbs. and 8 inches. I feel so good and blessed all over. I can do flips with all the energy I have. I feel and look so healthy. I thank God for this opportunity!”
    —Mia M.
    “It’s Day 10 for me, and I’m down 12 pounds! I tried. . .I did. . .I saw, I experienced. This is a miracle getting me not to take a sip of coffee for a day, much less 10 days. I am down 12 pounds lighter. Even my five year old said, ‘Mommy, you have changed.’ Thank you, JJ! I will continue until I achieve my weight goal and get my swag back!”
    —Annette A.
    “I went to the doctor’s yesterday because of a knee injury incurred when I took a fall at work. However, the good news is I lost 10 lbs. I was 247 in November, now I am 237, and my blood sugar, which is usually out of control ranging anywhere from 250 to 400, was 78. My doctor was so pleased, as was I. He wants me to stay on the modified cleanse; he agreed that it is helping me a great deal. Now I have to say I really love my smoothies, and while I have to stay with really one kind because of the diabetes, I enjoy them. Well, I will keep you posted.”
    —Renee D.
    “10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse officially finished. Down 14 lbs. Started 10 days ago at 222. Today’s weight 208. God bless JJ Smith for sharing this amazing gift with us.”
    —Ruth C.
    “I am excited to say that I ended day 10 yesterday with a new attitude. My energy level is finally up and I’m actually sleeping and resting better. I am craving a big salad, LOL! I am down 15 pounds Woohoo!!!!!! This is just the beginning. I am feeling excited!”
    —Lina C.
    “Morning of Day 11 and down 13.6 lbs!!! This cleanse has been very life-changing for me. I now have more energy than I ever had, and my skin is glowing. I never had the ‘slept like a baby’ moment that most had on here, but I am no longer feeling sluggish when I wake up even after four or five hours of sleep (a norm for me).”
    —Demetria M.
    “Praise the Lord, I have completed my 10 days. I am happy to report 14 pounds down. It doesn’t stop here. I will continue with my weight loss journey and a more healthy lifestyle.”
    —Geraldine C.
    “I completed my 10 days yesterday, and I am down 13 lbs. and lost a total of 3 1/2 inches! I want to first thank God for giving me the will and determination to complete this GS cleanse. Once I started, I was determined to finish. My family was very supportive throughout, and I am grateful for that. A big, big thank you goes out to JJ Smith for the info that changed my life forever! I don’t feel sluggish anymore like I used to before I started this cleanse, and my health has improved! I will continue to eat healthier from now on. Thank you all for your support!”
    —Tracey W.
    “I want you to know that I lost 12.5 lbs. by Day 6, including 2 inches from my hips and 2 inches from my waist. I’ll let you know how much I lost by Day 10. Thanks for introducing me to this cleansing method. I’m sharing it with others.”
    —Donna. J.
    “Completed Day 10 and my body responded with 17 lbs.! Thanks, JJ Smith. This group rocks. . .you are a blessing!”
    —Michelle G.
    “What day is it? What day is it? It’s not Wednesday but Day 10 for me!! I did it! JJ, you are truly an angel sent by God, and I thank you for not being selfish with your knowledge and sharing it with me and everyone who

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