Veretti’s Dark Vengeance

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Book: Veretti’s Dark Vengeance by Lucy Gordon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lucy Gordon
tailored to her understanding, yet detailed enough to be really useful. For the next hour they discussed glass-making techniques, and when they rose to go inside she felt she’d had a valuable lesson.
‘Goodnight, Helena,’ he said softly. ‘And remember, whenever you need help, I’m here.’
‘Thank you, Salvatore. I can’t tell you how much that means to me.’
He kissed her hand and departed.
Helena made her way slowly to her room, sunk in thought about the conflicting impressions that had assailed her tonight. One, above all the others, cried out for action.
She’d wondered if Salvatore was behind the bank’s demand, trying to force her to the wall. After tonight she had no doubt that the answer was yes.
When Helena’s arrival was announced Salvatore looked up with pleasure.
‘Helena, come in. I’ve been hoping you’d call.’
There had been no contact between them for two days. Now she appeared at the Palazzo Veretti, in the room he used as an office, glowing and beautiful and he rose, stretching out his hands to her.
His smile didn’t fool her, nor the way he ushered her to a chair, then sat on the desk, leaning over her solicitously. He was expecting her capitulation.
‘And here I am, with some news for you,’ she said.
She gave herself a moment to enjoy his expectant look, before saying, ‘I’ve been a bit preoccupied recently. The bank called in the loan on the factory. They actually wanted repayment in two weeks. I ask you, what can anyone do in two weeks?’
‘Not very much, I imagine,’ he said sympathetically.
‘It looked as though selling to you was my only option. Well, I’ve just been to the bank and I thought I should come to see you immediately.’
‘Very understandable,’ he observed. ‘I’m grateful for your courtesy. Did the bank manager give you a hard time?’
‘No, he was nice, but there were so many papers to sign, and I didn’t understand half of them. Never mind, it’s all done now, and I’m free, free!’
‘Well, you will be when we’ve completed the sale. Don’t worry, I’ll give you a fair price. I don’t like to think of you worrying about money.’
‘Oh, Salvatore, how kind of you to be concerned for me! But there’s no need. I’ve paid the loan off, every last penny.’ A delight in danger made her add, ‘Isn’t that wonderful?’
He put his head on one side. ‘Is this the joke of the day?’
‘I never joke about money, any more than you do, I’m sure. Here, these will convince you.’
She took out the official papers, signed, witnessed and complete, proving that Larezzo was now officially free from debt.
Salvatore’s first thought was that they were forgeries, but then his head cleared and he saw the signature of Valerio Donati, the bank manager, a signature he knew well. Everything was perfectly in order. Payment had been made in full.
His face was a careful blank as he summoned up all his reserves of control. They had never failed him before, but nothing in the past had mattered quite as much as this.
She was smiling as though this were no more than an innocent moment between friends, but he knew better. She’d come here today to flaunt her triumph, letting him delude himself that he’d won. Now she was doubtless laughing inside. Anger flared up in him but he suppressed it. How she would enjoy any sign that he was disturbed.
‘Very clever,’ he said at last. ‘I underestimated you.’
‘Now, there’s an admission!’
‘A temporary admission. It won’t last. You’ll sell in the end.’
‘Oh, will I? I’ve heard of stubbornness but this is absurd.’
‘Is it? Let’s face facts. Are you pretending that Antonio left you enough spare cash to cover this?’
‘No, he didn’t. If anything his funds were running rather low in his last months.’
‘Then you must have raised a huge bank loan.’
‘Really? Perhaps you shouldn’t jump to conclusions.’
‘I think this one is safe enough.’
‘Salvatore, you have a problem.’
‘I have a

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