Star Wars - 215 - Jedi Prince 06 - Prophets of the Dark Side
Duro. His arms have been replaced with arms taken from an Imperial assassin droid.
    HC-100 (Homework Correction Droid-100)
    His appearance resembles that of See-Threepio, though he is silver in color, with blue eyes and a round mouth. HC-100 was designed by the droid Dee-Jay for the purpose of correcting and grading Ken’s homework.
    High Prophet Jedgar
    A seven-foot-tall prophet whom Kadann, the Supreme Prophet of the Dark Side, most relies upon to help fulfill his prophecies and commands.
    Hologram Fun World
    Located inside a glowing, transparent dome floating in the center of a blue cloud of helium gas in outer space, Hologram Fun World is a theme park, where a "World of Dreams Come True" awaits every visitor. Lando Calrissian is now the Baron Administrator of the theme park.
    The frozen world where the Alliance once fought the four-legged Imperial AT-AT snow walkers. The Rebel Alliance deserted its base there; the ice planet is now the site of an Imperial base and prison.
    Human Replica Droid
    A lifelike droid designed in a secret Rebel Alliance lab at DRAPAC to look like a specific person. Its purpose is to act as a decoy and fool an enemy into thinking it’s real. Human Replica Droids have eyes that can fire laser beams.
    Imperial probe droid
    A floating, robotic spy device that the Empire launches and sends to various planets in order to collect information about the Rebel Alliance.
    Jabba the Hutt
    A sluglike alien gangster and smuggler who owned a palace on Tatooine and consorted with alien bounty hunters. He was strangled to death by Princess Leia, choked by the chain that held her prisoner in his sail barge at the Great Pit of Carkoon. Jawa
    A meter-high creature who travels the deserts of Tatooine collecting and selling scrap. It has glowing orange eyes that peer out from under its hooded robe. Jedi Library
    A great library in the Lost City of the Jedi. The Jedi Library has records that date back thousands of years. Most of its records are in files in the Jedi master computer. Others are on ancient manuscripts and old, yellowed books. Gathered in this library is all the knowledge of all civilizations and the history of all planets and moons that have intelligent life-forms.
    A black-bearded dwarf, Kadann is the Supreme Prophet of the Dark Side. He has now assumed the leadership of the Empire.
    A twelve-year-old Jedi Prince who was raised by droids in the Lost City of the Jedi after being brought to the underground city as a small child by a Jedi Knight in a brown robe. He knows many Imperial secrets, which he learned from studying the files of the master Jedi computer in the Jedi Library where he went to school. Long an admirer of Luke Skywalker, he has departed the Lost City, joined the Alliance, and is now a student at Dagobah Tech on Mount Yoda on the planet Dagobah.
    A Jedi Princess who was forced to serve as a nurse in an Imperial insane asylum deep in the spice mines of Kessel.
    Lost City of the Jedi
    An ancient, technologically advanced city built long ago by Jedi Knights. The city is located deep underground on the fourth moon of Yavin, where Ken, the Jedi Prince, was raised by droids.
    Mon Mothma
    A distinguished-looking leader, she has long been in charge of the Rebel Alliance. Mount Yoda
    A mountain on the planet Dagobah, named in honor of the late Jedi Master, Yoda. This is the site where the Rebel Alliance built DRAPAC, their new Defense Research and Planetary Assistance Center.
    Mouth of Sarlacc
    The mouth of a giant, omnivorous, multitentacled beast at the bottom of the Great Pit of Carkoon on Tatooine, beyond the Dune Sea. Anyone who falls to the bottom of the pit will be swallowed by the Sarlacc and slowly digested over a period of one thousand years. Omniprobe
    Omniprobes are devices that can go after probe droids, targeting them for destruction. As a homework assignment in the Lost City of the Jedi, Ken designed a blueprint for an advanced Jedi Omniprobe, with

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