Where Love Finds You (The Unspoken Series)

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Book: Where Love Finds You (The Unspoken Series) by Marilyn Grey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marilyn Grey

    “Come on,” Dee said as Sarah waited for me at the front door of the shop. “Just one more date. I promise he is really nice and he has no ex-wives.”
    Sarah smiled.
    I shrugged my shoulders. “What am I going to do with you people?”
    “Please,” Dee said.
    Sarah leaned against the door. “What could it hurt?”
    “It could hurt some guy who wants a date and I don’t. I really am content being single. I’ve gotten used to it.”
    Dee turned off the lights and we met Sarah at the front door. Carried by silence, we walked outside and inhaled the stuffy city air. 
    “I miss the beach,” I said. “This air is suffocating.”
    “I agree.” Sarah walked toward the corner. 
    Dee and I followed. 
    “I have to go this way.” Dee tapped my shoulder. “We’ll talk later.”
    “Yeah, we’ll see about that. Have a good night, Dee. See you in the morning.”
    Sarah and I walked to our apartment. She never said a word. I didn’t notice until we went inside and she plopped on the couch, staring off into space. 
    “Everything okay?” I inched toward her.
    “Yeah, why?”
    “You are quieter than usual. Not your typical joyful self.”
    She shrugged. “I don’t know how much I want to say yet. It could be nothing.”
    “What? Did something happen with your mystery man?” I leaned back and cushioned my head with a pillow. “When am I going to meet him?”
    “Oh. He’s the least of my concerns right now.”
    “Sounds romantic. So, what’s going on then?”
    “With him? Nothing. Just taking it day-by-day. He is a little too intense for me though.”
    “Too intense? For you?”
    “He is just very clingy. I don’t know. It’s weird when someone wants to marry you two days into meeting you. It takes me a little longer to know.”
    “Well, when it’s the right one I believe you know in an instant. You could know that person for years, be their best friend in preschool through college, but suddenly one day you look at him and you think to yourself, ‘He is my person,’ and you know in that instant you are going to marry him. For some people it can happen the second they meet, for others years after loathing each other, but either way I think it’s this magical moment that happens to us and we just know.”
    “Yes. The whimsical dream land of Ella.” She smiled. “That would be nice, but really, what are the chances?”
    “I named my cafe Chances for a reason.”
    “Yes. Yes, you certainly did.”
    “You never told me what’s bothering you if it isn’t mystery man.”
    “We’ll talk about it later. It’s too much for me to think about it.”

    Later that night I got comfortable in bed and picked up Sense and Sensibility . One paragraph into the second chapter and I heard a whimper. Quiet, I listened a few minutes as the gentle humming of the central air conditioner filled the air, but no whimper. A few sentences later, I heard it again. Sounded like someone outside of my window.
    I walked to the window, opened it, and looked around. Nothing. No sad people. Only the rushing cars and sounds of a busy city that never sleeps. 
    I went back to my bed, got comfortable, and continued reading.
    A continuance in a place where everything reminded her of former delight was exactly what suited her mind. In seasons of cheerfulness, no temper could be more cheerful than hers, or possess, in a greater degree, that sanguine expectation of happiness which is happiness itself. But in sorrow she must be equally carried away by her fancy, and as far beyond consolation as in pleasure she was beyond alloy.
    A soft cry interrupted Jane Austen.
    Again, I rose from bed and walked into the hallway. 
    I inched toward her door and tapped. “You okay, Sarah?”
    She sniffed. The mattress creaked. “I’m okay. We’ll talk later.”
    I knew better. If Sarah didn’t want to talk about something she really didn’t want to talk about something. If someone asked me I would respond the same way,

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