Lyon's Heart

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Book: Lyon's Heart by Jordan Silver Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jordan Silver
Tags: biker bad boy
got here there’ve been more
rules and regulations laid down than a reform school. During my
pregnancy there were times I thought he was going to go into a
coma. He stressed over every little thing and my movements were
curtailed ‘til his mother and mine had to come to the house if they
wanted to see me. Every other word was Kat you can’t and Kat don’t.
I understood what was going on with him so I took it in stride.
Don’t get me started on when he got into the cop shows and reading
up on everything that could go wrong. He did everything but wrap me
up in bubble wrap and tuck me away somewhere. And when I got big as
a sperm whale as Jared liked to tease me, my husband still thought
I was the most beautiful thing in the world. He never stopped
loving me, or showing me how much, but have mercy I’m not sure
there’s ever been another one like him. Unbeknownst to him the
women around town were secretly mooning over him. They thought he
was just the hottest thing on two feet because of the way he
treated this pregnancy. Some of the women at the Lamaze class used
to ask me the most embarrassing questions. That is, when they
weren’t just staring at him as if they were in a trance. I never
felt threatened by them though because he pretty much still did the
same thing to me when he took off his shirt. But Colton had no clue
he was devastating half the pregnant women in the town. One of them
who was a little older, maybe in her early forties had pulled me
aside one evening while Colt was grilling the instructor to tell me
and I quote. ‘Don’t take this the wrong way dear but I hope you
don’t mind the fact that your husband plays a very big part in my
latest fantasies’. I didn’t know if to be flattered or appalled. I
never told him any of that because he was always worried about how
I felt. And if he thought someone was doing something that would
upset me there would be hell to pay. He read any and everything he
could get his hands on about being a good dad and the best way to
raise a child. When it came down to it he was obsessed to put it
mildly. Everything was about his baby girl. We’re not going to
discuss his behavior when he first heard we were having a girl and
the big bad biker boy hit a hitch. The guys teased him unmercifully
but his dad is the worst. Nothing can get Colt to muttering more
than Daniel riding him about losing his mind. I couldn’t walk down
the stairs by myself because I’d made the stupid mistake of telling
Colt I could no longer see my feet. His logic was that if I
couldn’t see them then I obviously had no idea where I was
stepping. I very rarely lost it and snapped at him, which he
ignored anyway, so what was the point? Mom made the mistake of
mentioning a midwife in his presence and I never heard the end of
that one. He lectured he ranted and he threatened. In the end it
was just easier to go along with his dictates instead of as he said
‘trying some hair brained bullshit I’d seen on TV.’ Telling him
that women did it all the time meant nothing to him so I stopped
trying. In the delivery room he did okay, after he got through
yelling at everyone to do something. He tried really hard to hide
it but I knew he was terrified. His face was white and he kept
gritting his teeth. It probably didn’t help that I was screaming
like someone had been driving spikes into my vagina, which in my
opinion is an accurate approximation of what labor felt like. When
he threatened to flatten the quack doctor if she didn’t do
something about the pain I had to pull myself together and handle
the situation, it helped me deal with the pain a little.

    Coming home was another eye
opening experience. The two days I spent in the hospital Colt had
corralled everyone into coming over and getting the house ready for
us. He’d already child proofed everything and we had everything you
could possibly need for a baby. But he somehow found more that
needed doing. Jared and Cy were only too happy to

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