Wicked Proposition
mortification. Shame made her grit her teeth,
but she reasoned she would never see these people again. She
dragged herself from the bed with the sheet about her, her body
sore and stiff from Gabriel’s vigorous lovemaking.
    Gabriel had kissed her awake in the wee hours of
the morning, despite her sleepy protestations. His hands and mouth
had driven her wild. He took his time, lingering in the bed with
her, bringing them both to feverish ecstasy. Every part of her body
ached deliciously in constant reminder. The smell of him was
ingrained upon her skin. She squeezed her eyes shut in anguish,
trying to block out the carnal images of him, but they
    Catherine washed her burning face and her mouth
in the basin. She bit her lips to quell the tumultuous tears she
felt building inside, but it was done. She sold herself for money.
Reminding herself that her noble intentions to restore Jaime’s
birthright meant more than her remorse did not improve her
    Jaime’s future and Cullen’s were worth more than
her regret. What she received for her body was far more than just
the few shillings these women at this brothel received. Who was she
fooling, she thought? She was no better than the women who worked
here, and she knew it.
    Going to her brother-in-law’s bed was bad
enough. Doing it for financial gain sealed her fate. As much as she
would like to deny the truth, she was now a whore. Tears brightened
her gaze as she looked at herself in the mirror, seeing the
shattered expression with grim acceptance.
    The morning also brought with it the knowledge
she could not possibly continue this. She was not the type of woman
to use her body in such a way and not feel it eat at her soul.
Catherine knew what was at stake. She couldn’t do it, no matter how
much it was necessary. Lilly would understand, hopefully. Through
the course of the evening she had come to her senses.
    Somehow she would seek out Edward Thornton
today. She prayed the old man helped her return to Ireland, as soon
as it could be arranged. The children worried, no doubt. She and
Brian would figure out how to keep the estate solvent. Her green
eyes filled with fury to envision what she would do if he dared try
take her brothers from her. She swallowed hard, reminded this man
meant her family ill.
    No, she would not see Lord Iverleigh again after
last night. For that she was relieved. She cringed with
embarrassment at her behavior, glad he was not there. Still, the
encounter had been far more pleasant than she would have liked to
admit. Just remembering how tender he had been, and how thorough,
made her face flame.
    There was no point in dwelling on him. He had
gotten what he wanted of her and left. The encounter had meant
nothing to him. She was just a pretty whore, soon forgotten. The
resentment she felt to be so used made her bristle despite the
deception she agreed to play.
    It was ridiculous that she would be expected to
stay here. Lilly expected her to pose as a prostitute and wait for
him to return and seek out her favors. It was ridiculous, now that
she examined the plan. Lilly would have to find some other way to
reclaim her husband on her own. She wanted no part in it
    Catherine didn’t have much time to be off. She
was hearing movement within the house now. Suddenly a knock came at
the door. She was grateful to see it was only the timid maid. The
girl was named Milly. She arrived with a tray of tea and
    Catherine was grateful her trunk had been
brought up the night before. The thought of putting the red dress
back on was repugnant to her. Burning it suddenly came to mind.
    Milly rifled through her things to find fresh
under garments and helped her into one of her old gowns. She donned
a faded rose-colored silk that had seen better days. Catherine
refused to wear any of the other gowns Lilly purchased for her.
They only reminded her of her most recent sins.
    Milly cinched the corset loosely and tied up the
back of her gown. The maid

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