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Book: Blocked by Jennifer Lane Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer Lane
“She…gets panicked around the media. They’ve said some pretty mean things about her family.”
    “Well-deserved things.”
    Allison shrugged.
    I tilted my head. “Don’t tell me you agree with the jacked-up things her father stands for.”
    “I’m a Democrat, and I’m voting for your mother. I just…I like Lucia. I’ve only known her for a couple of days now, but she’s a sweet girl. She works hard. And it’s tough to see her go through all this just because her dad wants to be president.”
    I stared at the commercial for antidepressant medication. The list of side effects went on forever…just like the side effects of our parents vying to be leader of the free world.
    Allison’s voice lowered. “You haven’t exactly been kind to her, you know. It’s not her fault she had to bail on Texas. It’s not her fault we moved her here.”
    I felt like a limp, deflated volleyball, and I looked away as I chewed the inside of my mouth. My buzz was all but gone now, and I was hungry again.
    The anchorman’s voice drew my attention back to CNN. “ An interesting development in the presidential race today, as we show you the home of green energy specialist Dr. James Thompson near the campus of Highbanks University .” I watched an image of Lucia’s SUV inching toward the cameras in the fading light of early evening. “ We’ve learned that the son of Democratic nominee Senator Lois Monroe—Dane Monroe—has chosen this location as living quarters for his sophomore year of college .”
    I braced myself as the SUV stopped in front of my house. “ But in an amazing show of bipartisan welcome, Senator Monroe invited her opponent’s daughter to share the home when Secret Service had trouble finding secure living quarters for Ms. Ramirez. That’s right, Governor Ramirez’s daughter Lucia will start soon as a freshman at Highbanks and will live in the same home as Dane Monroe, thanks to the generosity of his mother. ”
    Lucia emerged from the vehicle with Allison and Frank flanking her. She seemed to flinch at each shouted question.
    “ Amazingly, both candidates’ offspring are scholarship volleyball players at the university. Not only do they share a sport, but now they share a home .”
    They cut to my shuffle through a sea of reporters en route to our front door. I leaned forward to scrutinize my TV self, and thankfully it appeared I was sober. The stupid female reporter hollered the question about us sharing a bedroom, and— oh, crap —my massive grin was totally obvious.
    “ It appears Senator Monroe’s son is happy about the living arrangement .”
    I cringed and glanced at Allison, who laughed at me.
    The video ended, and the anchorman’s face filled the screen. “ With our country bitterly divided on issues, it’s wonderful to see Dane and Lucia putting aside their differences to live together. Perhaps the candidates can learn from their children and treat each other more civilly. Bravo, Senator Monroe. ”
    When the reporter moved on to another story, Allison shook her head. “If only he knew how contentious it’s been in this house.”
    I thought back to brushing my lips on Lucia’s soft cheek. Things hadn’t seemed so contentious then.
    Probably mistaking my far-off gaze as me feeling upset. Allison patted my arm. “At least that story knocked the attention off of Yemen.”
    I nodded, then froze. I now had a good idea who had leaked the story about Lucia and me living together.

Chapter 7

    D AYS L ATER , M Y H AND Z OOMED from my face to my lap once I realized I was touching my cheek, again . I took a sideways glance at Allison, but thankfully she didn’t seem to have noticed my caress of the spot Dane’s lips had graced. Though the kiss had been a few days ago, I could still feel his warm breath tickle my skin. I could still see his cocky grin as he lingered above me for a moment, gazing into my eyes. My heartbeat had rushed in my ears as I wondered if he would kiss me for real, on

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