The Keepers: Archer

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Book: The Keepers: Archer by Rae Rivers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rae Rivers
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Fantasy, Contemporary
channelled both elements with difficulty, but with a control that had surprised her.
    Curiosity and confidence spiked, Sienna concentrated on keeping the water mid air with one hand whilst stirring up a whirlwind in the forest beyond with the other hand. Moments later, she had a whirlwind of forest debris heading her way. The sight frightened her, only briefly, but bold instincts had taken over, driving Sienna to a depth she’d been too afraid to touch.
    The whirlwind picked up speed as it approached, gathering fuel along the way. Once she had both elements of nature side by side, she twirled her arms in circular motions, her mind and body completely in tune with the elements. Both elements immediately began swirling in circular motions, faster and faster until Sienna herself was panting.
    And feeling even bolder, Sienna slammed her hands together, creating a full-blown collision of water against wind. Water and forest debris exploded into an impressive scene around her, leaving her breathless.
    Gasping for air, her shoulders heaving from the unleashed adrenaline, Sienna stared at the chaos she’d created. Water, stones, sticks, leaves, small plants, and even a tiny tree littered the pool area that had only moments ago been spotless. Now it looked as though a mini tornado had taken place while they’d all slept.
    But the moment of the collision had been incredible, the realization that she had controlled both elements at once even more so.
    Taking a few calming breaths, Sienna smiled at her accomplishment and went inside to make the tea. The brief exertion of power had been exhilarating but exhausting at the same time.
    It was almost dawn and the sun would be up soon. As would the two Bennett brothers.
    Ethan she could handle. As for Archer …
    All thoughts of Archer vanished the moment Sienna realized she wasn’t alone.
    Age-old instincts sparking a familiar warning, she spun around in time to see the silhouette of a man approaching her.
    She screamed, the shrill sound shattering the silence of the night, and lashed out. Her hands met a thick wall of muscled chest, and strong arms came up around her. They stumbled across the counter, knocking over the wooden block of carving knives that crashed to the floor with a sickening clang. She cried out and launched herself toward the discarded weapons. There was a struggle, a fierce growl, and she fought with all the strength she had.
    But her tiny body was no match for his size or strength. In a heartbeat, he had her pinned beneath him, her arms trapped above her head.
    “Let me go!” she demanded, tugging one arm free. Her heart soared with hope as her fumbling fingers touched something sharp. With a fierce cry, she drove the knife deep into her attacker’s back, and shoved against him.
    There was a flash of movement in the darkness followed by a fierce, low growl as her attacker was hoisted off her and sent flying across the room. He crashed into the wooden drawers against the wall, shattering a lamp, and fell to the floor with a loud curse.
    Gasping, Sienna looked up at the silhouette of a second man towering in the darkness above her.
    He growled, his eyes pinned on the intruder, and readied himself for the fight to follow. “What the hell are you doing here?” he asked between gritted teeth.
    “I live here, dammit.”
    Archer stepped forward, his breathing rapid, his fists clenched beside each thigh. Sienna heard him exhale as the tension subsided. “Declan?”
    The tall figure at the back of the room struggled to his feet. “Hell, brother, your hospitality sucks.”
    Light flooded the room and Sienna blinked, trying to adjust to the harsh light, to the two Bennett brothers staring at each other in stunned silence.
    Archer moved first. He was barefoot and had tugged on a pair of jeans. He held out a hand to Sienna and pulled her to her feet. “Are you hurt?”
    She shook her head and turned to Declan, the middle Bennett brother.

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