You're Kitten Me
from view, and stared the human down. He might not be the national alpha, but he was a strong fucking tiger in his own right.
    The wolf might be the first shifter they encountered in the battle, but he wouldn’t be the last. That’d be Braden.
    Fingers tingling, he let more of the transition push forward. Human nails became tiger claws, blunted teeth became deadly fangs, and tanned skin was replaced by orange and black.
    He slowly descended the porch steps. Ares was at the wolf alpha’s left so Braden took his right, only stopping when he reached Walter’s side. The leader brought his sentinels, those wolves off protecting the females while their alpha faced the humans.
    Women and children first. The future of their species always had to be protected. Walter was an alpha and if he fell, the man’s beta would take up the mantle of leadership. It was why the inner-circle rarely traveled together.
    If Walter’s beta couldn’t attend, Braden and Ares would take up the slack.
    Besides, he didn’t think the death of his mate’s father would really be a good start to their… whatever the hell their relationship was.
    The wolf didn’t acknowledge him, the flare of his nostrils the only sign that he knew of Braden’s presence. He positioned his body much like the two alphas—hands at his sides with claws exposed while he balanced on the balls of his feet.
    Braden looked over the six men who formed a wall between them and Cadman. While the shifters presented a united, fierce front, the human hid behind others.
    He was reminded of his father’s words. A leader should lead. To battle. To death. He is always first.
    The positioning made him think Cadman was nothing but a puppet, a voice for someone else’s agenda.
    Or he was just a pussy.
    Either option was equally probable.
    “Enough with the bullshit, Cadman.” Walter’s voice was filled with a deep growl. “Tell your men to put their guns away or I take ’em.”
    Taking them could be fun. “I call dibs on the two on the right.”
    That drew everyone’s attention, and the wolf snorted before speaking. “You think you can handle ’em, puppy?”
    Veronica’s heavy sigh reached them. “If you’re gonna call him names, you should at least stick to the right species.” Of course, his mate had to come forward and stand at his side, hands on her flared hips and the scent of her annoyance wrapped around him. “And yes, I think the kitten can take these… people.”
    He flicked a glance her way and he had to fight his grin. She stood there, still rumpled from his bed with a look of disgust on her features.
    Sexy as hell and he knew he was one lucky fucker.
    “If Braden is taking the two on the right, I’ll grab the three on the left,” Ares rumbled into the quiet. “Walter, you get the dumbass that shot at you and Cadman. I figure you have a score or two to settle.”
    Well, now Braden was pissed he hadn’t claimed Cadman too.
    Movement at his back had him on alert, but a subtle shift in the wind told him who approached: Gannon, Murphy, and Daniel. At least he could depend on Gannon and Murphy remaining level headed.
    “I can’t believe you aren’t taking this more seriously.” Cadman’s face reddened. “Walter attacked us the moment we stepped from our vehicles. That’s attempted murder.”
    Ares grunted. “We do or we don’t. Shifters don’t attempt shit.”
    It was the truth.
    “Fine,” the DoPE representative snapped. “Two men are dead and the third is in critical care. There is no denying that fact.”
    Braden internally winced. Yeah, they’d tried treating him at the den, but he’d needed better help.
    “Being a friend to shifters,” —Walter stuck the verbal knife in— “you know our view on attacks is very cut and dry. Or wet, as the case may be.”
    “I can’t believe you’re treating this so flippantly. The four of them broke the law and DoPE will see them punished for it. We can’t allow—”
    Walter jumped in and it seemed

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