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Book: Stranded by J. C. Valentine Read Free Book Online
Authors: J. C. Valentine
Tags: Romance, Contemporary
belly do nervous flips. “It’s good to see you too, Poppy. You look great, by the way.”
                  A fierce blush rose up to heat her cheeks. “Thanks,” she muttered.
                  “So, I hear you have an interview,” Felix stated bluntly.
                  “Well, yes.” Poppy glanced around, wishing that Mr. Bradshaw would finally show and rescue her from this awkward situation.
                  Felix must have noticed her preoccupation. “If you’re looking for Mr. Bradshaw, he won’t be making it today.”
    Poppy’s hopes plummeted and she felt some of the air deflate from her lungs. She had to admit, this job was her dream job and despite the dozens of applications she had put in around the city, this was the one she had put at the top of the list.
    “However,” Felix continued on. “As his associate, I have been asked to stand in for him.”
    Poppy’s eyes widened and she had to remind herself to breathe. “You mean you will be interviewing me?” Fate, you cruel bitch! That was the last thing she wanted or needed. It was bad enough that she happened to run into the one person she was trying to forget. It was even worse that, assuming she landed the job, she would be working with him. But it was a downright nightmare to think that Felix would be the one to decide if she got the job or not.
    “The one and only.” Felix grinned. “Come on. I have everything set up in my office.” Then, taking her by the elbow, he steered her past the receptionist, who gawked openmouthed at them, and down a short hallway.
    He escorted her into a large office decorated with rich, masculine furniture. Poppy’s eyes skated right past the furnishing s to the wall of floor to ceiling windows. Natural light spilled into the room, cutting swaths of soft golden light across every surface.
    Felix held out a hand and gestured to a small seating area in the corner. “Have a seat. ”
    She complied, though her attention remained glued on the blue skies and towering skyscrapers dotting the landscape just a few feet away.
    “Would you like anything to drink?” Felix asked, wrestling her attention back.
    Poppy blinked then focused on him. “Um, what do you have?”
    Felix strode over to a wet bar built into a paneled wall. “Let’s see. I have vodka, rum, whiskey, and red and white wine. If those are too strong for you, I also have bottled water, juice and iced tea.”
    “I’ll just have water,” Poppy told him.
    “Good choice. Personally, I think drinking alcohol before noon is a pretty good indicator of what kind of person I’m dealing with.”
    “Why do I get the feeling I just passed some sort of test?” Poppy asked amusedly.
    “Probably because you did.” Felix laughed lightly, bending down to open a small refrigerator nestled below the counter.
    Her breat h caught in her throat, because the way his pants hugged his rear end and accentuated his powerful thighs should be a crime. Poppy’s mind took a detour down memory lane, recalling how that butt looked out of pants, and she felt a spark of heat begin to pool in her belly and work its way south. Looking away quickly, Poppy tried to focus on other things, like the airliner streaking across the sky in the distance.
    “That’s an incredible view,” she said, then blushed furiously when she realized what she had said and how it must have sounded.
    Felix rose to his full height and flashed a cocky smile. He gaze swept over her in a slow, sensual perusal that left Poppy feeling hot, needy and exposed. She shifted, feeling incredibly uncomfortable under Felix’s scrutiny. How did one handle a former lover turned possible boss?
    “I agree. Incredible.” Crossing the room, Felix handed her the bottle then took the seat across from her. “I have to admit, I was surprised to see you here today.”
    That was an understatement, Poppy thought ruefully , and nodded her agreement as she cracked open the bottle of

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