The Magic Wakes

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Book: The Magic Wakes by Charity Bradford Read Free Book Online
Authors: Charity Bradford
    “And how have these texts come into your possession? How could they even survive for so many thousands of years?”
    Jaron put the last of his strength into holding the spell, but he had grown weak and knew he was losing control. He reached forward and grabbed Werner in an effort to hold onto the connection.
    “The King of Johar organized our group to take care of the mages. These mages worked for us, and before the Royalists killed them, we used them to gather knowledge. When the Royalists captured the great dragon lord, Thraned, our mages learned everything that I have told you, and much more. We kept careful records, and carefully tended and copied the records when necessary.”
    “How has your group survived? It is unbelievable. What was your purpose once the last of the mages were killed?” So many questions cluttered Jaron’s mind that he could no longer contain his eagerness as he asked them.
    “The Signum knew the Dragumon were out there somewhere. If the Dragumon ever found their way home, someone would need to be ready to destroy them. That is the power we have gained through the gathering of knowledge.”
    “Yes. That is the power I want. Tell me how to destroy the Dragumon.” Jaron tried to calm his heart rate because the connection was slipping away.
    “There is . . .” Werner blinked and Jaron cursed himself.
    The spell dissolved and he was too exhausted to reestablish the connection. A groan escaped as he called on the demon for strength, but it laughed at him as it retreated to the back of his mind. His only option was to release Werner and hurry to his seat.
    “I’m sorry. What were we talking about?” Werner’s brows drew together and he shook his head for a moment before frowning at Jaron.
    “The Kiyan Bridge.”
    “Ah, yes . . .”

Chapter 12
    U pon arriving at the hospital for the second time that day, Landry walked to the front desk where the same bored receptionist sat. Her eyes lit up when she saw him.
    “You’re back. Is there something else I can help you with?” Her smile suggested she was offering more than information.
    “It seems you forgot to mention that Miss Zaryn was a patient here during her youth. How disappointing.”
    She wilted beneath his tone. “But you only asked if she had been born here,” she turned away from his piercing eyes. “I didn’t know you needed her records.”
    “Well, now I’m back and asking to see all the records and speak to the doctor that oversaw the case. I have already wasted enough time making this trip twice. I suggest you don’t waste any more of it.”
    “Yes, sorry, sir.” She quickly brought up Talia’s records on her computer. “I’ll let Dr. Morin know that you are on your way up. He’s on the third floor, Room 305.”
    “Thank you. I expect the files to be forwarded to my account by the time I reach his office.”
    “But sir, patient confidentiality!” She stood at her desk, leaning over to keep Landry in sight as he walked around the corner.
    “Does not apply during a security investigation. Feel free to log a complaint with Royalist headquarters after sending me the file.”
    Landry continued to the elevators. He smiled, thinking about how nice it was to have authority. He knew she would never file the complaint; no one ever did.
    Dr. Morin waited for him at the door of his office, out of breath as if he had just arrived in a hurry himself.
    “Major Sutton, I apologize for any inconvenience you may have suffered today. Please come in and I will help you the best I can.” He opened the door and Landry walked in and took a seat.
    “I’m sure you are as busy as I am so I’ll keep this brief. What medical condition did Talia Zaryn have? Why did she see you,” Landry pulled up the file on his hand-held computer so he could scan the summary, “for almost a year?”
    “Nothing, really. We never found anything wrong with the child. As you can see, she came to the sleep clinic several nights a month.

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