Relinquishing Liberty

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Book: Relinquishing Liberty by Maureen Mayer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Maureen Mayer
Tags: Romance
He lifted my chin with his index finger, drawing my gaze away from floor. His beautiful smile beamed down at me with such fervor, it made my knees weak. Why did he have to be so damn irresistible?
    “What do ya got there?” He reached down to pick up the mess we had made, but as he read the labels of the boxes the smile on his face faded, and his expression grew very serious.
    “Oh…uh…those aren’t mine. I mean they are, but…shit. They’re mine, but they’re not for me. They’re for a friend.” I snatched them out of his hands and started to head towards the register at a brisk pace. The sooner I got out of here the better.
    He held his hands up in front of him. “Hey, it’s none of my business. Hope everything turns out okay.” With that, he simply turned and began to walk away.
    I couldn’t leave with him thinking there was a possibility that I was pregnant. Shit. I couldn’t believe I was actually going to do this.
    “Wait, Shayne!” He stopped mid-step, but didn’t turn around. I ran to catch up to him and explain, but I wasn’t sure what to say. So, I took a deep breath and just blurted it out.
    “I’m a virgin!” Well. There it was. Out in the open. I’m sure every customer and employee in the store heard me since I practically shouted it. Wonderful. I was now completely and utterly humiliated.
    I turned, not wanting him to see the embarrassment that was so obviously displayed on my face. I could feel the heat spread across my cheeks, and I knew without a doubt that my face was now beet red. I mentally cursed my mother for passing on her trait for blushing so easily. I couldn’t even look at the cashier as I paid for my purchase. I grabbed my bag and practically ran out to the parking lot, ignoring the footsteps that trailed behind me.
    Before I could place my key in the door, two arms caged me in against my car. I screamed and spun around with my back pressed against the door. Shayne stood up straight, giving me some room to breathe.
    “Liberty, I believed you when you said they weren’t for you. Even if they were, that doesn’t change my opinion of you.” I could see in eyes that he was being genuine.
    “And about the other thing…you don’t need to be embarrassed about that. I think it’s very admirable that you’ve been able to save yourself. Nowadays, people are so ready to just lose it to anyone.” I really didn’t want to have this conversation with him. I placed my hand on his firm chest to give me some room to open my car door, but before I could push him away, he pulled me in close and wrapped his arms around me. Instinctively, I pressed my face to his neck and breathed in deep. He smelled of cologne and the sea; it was intoxicating. His lips pressed up against my temple before releasing me.
    “Are we still on for this weekend?” I smiled up at him and nodded. I was afraid to speak after what I just revealed to him. Heaven forbid I reveal any more embarrassing little tidbits of info to him!
    “Well, I hope you enjoy the rest of your week. See you Saturday, sweetheart.”
    I fell back against the car, unable to hold myself up any longer. How does he do that? No one has ever made me literally weak at the knees. Only Shayne.

    When I got back to the apartment, Maddie was right where I left her: curled up on the couch. All those tears shed must have worn her out because she was passed out cold and lightly snoring. I gently shook her shoulder to wake her up, and all I got in response were a few grumbled words I couldn’t make out. I knew how much Maddie loved to sleep; I learned that the first day I came to the apartment when she nearly bit my head off for coming over so early. But I didn’t want to waste any more time and risk her changing her mind. As scary as this was for her, she was going to have to find out eventually. Plus after what I just went through to get them, she better damn well take these tests!
    “Maddie, sweetie, I’m back with the tests. I’ll

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