Bermuda Heat

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Book: Bermuda Heat by P.A. Brown Read Free Book Online
Authors: P.A. Brown
Tags: MLR Press; ISBN 978-1-60820-161-7
zipper of his jeans down, bent over and tasted him. David completely lost his train of thought.

    58 P.A. Brown
    After, Chris sat up, a smug smile on his lips. “Oh, Captain.
    My captain.”
    “You are so full of it,” David said, but he was laughing when he said it.
    “Yes, I am.”
    They lazed on the platform for the rest of the afternoon, half dozing at one point, only to wake and make love again. When they finally exited the woodlot onto Valley Stream Road the sun was setting over the lake. They walked down the road to his parents’ place holding hands, not caring who might see them.
    Only when they drew near the house did David drop his hand and make it clear there would be no more touching.
    Graham’s car was in the driveway. They found him on the deck, drinking a Pig’s Ear. He waved them over and pointed at a cooler beside his Adirondack chair. “Help yourselves. And if you’re hungry, there’s some roast beef left and some fresh bread I picked up in town.”
    They both cracked a beer open.
    “What did you do today?”
    “Went for a walk around the property,” David said. He traded a warm glance with Chris. “Did you know that old tree fort is still there?”
    “Hmph, haven’t thought of that thing in years. I remember when you practically lived in it one summer.”
    David remembered that too. That was the summer he had realized he was attracted to the other boys at school, and not the girls, like all his buddies. It had scared him spitless.
    “You should have told me.” David reached over and took Chris’s hand in his, taking comfort in the familiar touch.
    Graham ducked his head. “It seemed easier than the fuss that would surely have followed. I’m sorry, son. That’s a pretty poor excuse for years of lies…”
    David didn’t want to, but he understood. His mother and grandmother were like the force of an ocean riptide, inexorable.

    BeRMudA heAt 59
    Unstoppable. Graham could no more stand in their way than he himself could have all those years ago. He’d had the option of leaving, something he knew Graham would never do.
    “I have to go find out for myself. I hope you understand that.”
    Graham sighed. “Then I wish you luck. But don’t turn your back on your family here. Your mother may not know how to show it, but she does love you. So do I.”
    David nodded, even if he didn’t believe him. Not about his mother, at least. He had never doubted Graham’s love. He raised his beer to his mouth. “Thanks. I appreciate that.”
    All three fell into a companionable silence. They watched the sun slide past the distant canopy of trees and the sky go from crimson to purple, to velvety black. The first stars came out.
    Soon the sky was ablaze with more stars than David had seen in years. In L.A. celestial stars were a rare event.
    Beside him Chris yawned. David finished his beer and stood.
    “I’m hungry. I’ll make us some sandwiches.” He reached for Chris’s hand again. Together they said goodnight and went into the kitchen. Chris sat at the marble island while David prepared two sourdough sandwiches, slathering on the Dijon mustard he knew Chris adored. They ate standing up. Then they climbed the stairs to David’s room. David shut the door and turned to face Chris.
    Chris made a step toward the bathroom. “I need to get my pajamas.”
    David caught him and pulled him into an embrace, nuzzling his throat. “Why? It’s not like I’m going to let you wear them.
    Come on, your captain needs you.”

ChAPteR eight
    Sunday, 4:10am Valley Stream Road, Holderness, New Hampshire Chris grabbed both suitcases off his unused bed. He set them on the floor and smoothed his hand over the down comforter.
    He’d never expected this leg of their trip to yield so many surprises. David was proving to have layers Chris had never experienced.
    When Chris had first met and fallen in love with his big bear he had known that not only had David hidden his orientation from his fellow police officers, he

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