Warlock Unbound: Heart's Desire, Book 4

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Book: Warlock Unbound: Heart's Desire, Book 4 by Dana Marie Bell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dana Marie Bell
Tags: werewolf;shifter;witch;wizard;warlock;mates
the feeling that they weren’t done with their babysitting duties. Not by a long shot.

Chapter Eight
    “Are you sure it’s safe for you two to be in here with me?” Chris and Lana were off doing God knew what, leaving her with Jo and Gareth. Kerry didn’t want to be alone, but neither did she want to hurt Jo or Gareth any more than she had. She was sitting as still as possible, terrified that any move would set off the hex. If she just held still, maybe nothing would happen.
    A girl could hope, right?
    “Yeah, we’re good.” Jo rubbed her belly with a reassuring smile.
    “Pfft. We take our lives into our own hands, but it’s worth it. I don’t want Daniel trying to hand me my ass.” Gareth puffed out his chest. “I’d have to teach the pup why I’m the king.”
    Uh-huh. “Fine. Then can I ask a few questions that have been bugging me for, like, years and years?” Kerry watched as Jo poured over some books. Some of them looked like they’d just come from a bookstore, while others appeared ancient, with crackling leather and weathered pages.
    “Sure.” Jo flipped a page, intently studying it before shaking her head and placing it down, immediately picking up a new one.
    “What’s the difference between warlocks, witches and wizards?”
    Jo’s head snapped up. Jo had been one of the best teachers in the witch court. Teaching Kerry this should be right up her alley. “No one has explained this to you before?” She glanced over at Gareth, who was holding an ice pack over his black eye.
    “Oops.” He strode into the room and dropped to the couch next to Jo, giving Kerry a confused look. “None of us thought to. As far as we knew, you understood all of this already. Didn’t you talk to Annabelle when you were young?”
    “Yes, but all she knew about was witches.”
    “I want to know more, especially if I’m supposed to mate Daniel.” She’d gotten some of this from Annabelle back when she was sixteen and first discovered her BFF, Lana, was a witch. But Annabelle hadn’t told her anything about wizards and warlocks, or how they did their magic. It was just as fascinating now as it had been when she was sixteen and saw Lana doing her thing for the first time.
    “All righty then.” Jo placed the book down on the table and sat up straighter. “It’s simple, really. A wizard and a witch both draw their power from within themselves, but each utilize it in a different way.”
    “How so?” She’d witnessed Annabelle’s magic and some of the Becketts’ magic, but it looked pretty similar to her. “I mean, Annabelle explained that witches use their emotions to power their magic, and that negative emotions can cause a negative reaction. Other than that, she didn’t tell me where the power comes from.”
    Jo nodded. “That’s correct. A witch’s power does come from her emotions, but it’s important to control those emotions.”
    “And wizards are all cool and collected?” Kerry doubted that. All the Becketts were capable of temper tantrums. Chris was the only one she hadn’t seen lose his ever-loving mind.
    “Nah.” Gareth winked. “We can be total bastards, but it doesn’t affect us the way it does a witch.”
    Jo picked up where Gareth left off. “A wizard casts spells that take time, parsing out their power in doses so that they don’t exhaust themselves. Thus, their magic is strong without the wizard collapsing in battle, but they’re limited to those precast spells. Those spells are then cast on objects, like amulets, runes or charms.”
    “We use charms and amulets to hold those spells when we need them to be mobile,” Gareth corrected, “but usually the spell remains in the workroom. We stock our workrooms with everything we might need to cast a spell. It’s where we do all of our work, whereas a witch can cast spells outside the workroom without any problem whatsoever.”
    Kerry thought about the spell that had called her here. “Which is why the Beckett mate spell is

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