Valley of Dust

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Book: Valley of Dust by Karoleen Vry Brucks Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karoleen Vry Brucks
yourself, don’t ever do something like that again,” she cried. “What do you mean, Carla? How am I, okay? How long have I been sleeping?” Then I realized what had happened was not a dream. Carla was crying. “It’s been a week, I woke up immediately. Selene, you didn’t, however. Lucian showed up right when I came to. He looked worried, but he assured me you would wake up. It has been a week. Lucian was the one who found us in the garden.” I was shocked. I knew that smell was familiar. I needed to confirm something, however, so I got up and ran out of my room. The distance to the kitchen felt longer, and I began to get dizzy. When I got to the garden, it was no longer a garden but a wasteland of dirt. It was like my dream. I fell to the ground crying. I was a freak; this was all my fault. I felt Carla’s arm around my back hugging me. “Selene, this wasn’t your fault, you did this to protect us.” “I am a freak, Carla, how could you like someone like me?” I pushed her away and ran off. The sky seemed to mimic how I felt. It started to pour as tears rolled down my face. Then I felt someone’s presence. “Carla, don’t look at me.” I realized then that it was not Carla. I was lifted so easily off the ground, and when I looked up to find who it was that picked me up, I saw Lucian. “This is no place for you, Selene, you had us worried. Please rest,” Lucian said. “Lucian, what about the others? Is Jacques okay?” “Selene, he is an undead, the only one who could kill him is me. He is fine, but he needs to recover just like you, so please, for us all, rest and regain your strength.” The crying didn’t stop until the dizziness overwhelmed me and I passed out into his warm arms.
    I thought I had awoke after blacking out, but I was in the same forest and lake, just like my previous dream. This time I saw myself in the lake. I wasn’t as beautiful or as wild looking as last time. I looked around and saw a woman in the distance. The woman was me but she was stunning. Her hair was wildly flowing in the wind with this beautiful auburn hue. “Who are you?” I screamed. She smiled to me and said, “The question you seek is what are we.”

    L UCIAN LOOKED DOWN as Selene passed out in his arms. He knew she had used too much energy and still did not have the strength to be out of bed. He knew her curiosity would bring her here, and he felt bad he had not been able to repair the garden before she got up. The gardeners had quite much work ahead of them, and ordering everything to replace two acres of land was hard enough on them. He wondered if he would need to hire more gardeners since Selene’s power was growing and he didn’t know that two gardeners were enough anymore. Lucian knew Selene loved the garden ever since he saw her out there under the willow tree in the grass. He hoped the orders to replace everything would come soon so she wouldn’t feel so guilty. As he was walking back to the door near the kitchen, he saw Carla still standing in the rain looking hopeless like she could do nothing for her friend. He felt guilty that she wouldn’t be able to help Selene with this. What could a mortal do to help? While carefully carrying Selene in his arms, he went over to Carla. “Carla, get some rest. Selene will get over the shock soon. I will take care of all the business matters for now. Would you mind staying here in the mansion? I am concerned about your safety, and I know Selene would be too,” Lucian said with a smile. “Thank you, Lucian, please take care of her. I don’t know how, but she saved me, and in doing so it almost cost her… her life. I owe her so much,” Carla said. “Carla, you being alive and well is all the thanks Selene needs. For the first time she has found a friend. Please continue to watch over her like you have and not because it is your job, but because you want to,” Lucian said. Carla smiled and said, “I never once thought watching over her was a job. I

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