Get Your Hopes Up!: Expect Something Good to Happen to You Every Day
stuck in a dysfunction because they were enabling a person instead of telling that person what she really needed to hear.
    There is nothing wrong with depending on your friends in tough times, but don’t let your friends take the place of God in your life. Go to the Lord first when you’re hurting, and seek God’s direction in that situation. After you have spent time in the Word and sought the Lord in prayer, then you may want to go to your friends and share with them what you think the Lord is saying. Remember, your friends are human just like you. Their ability to help you is limited. If you rely solely on them, you will end up disappointed.

Looking to a Spouse
    One of the things I learned early on in my marriage is that I couldn’t depend on Dave to be the source of my happiness—that’s God’s place. God is the source of our joy (see Psalm 43:4), not our spouses.
    I remember there were times when I would get so upset with Dave because he would go golfing or watch a ball game rather than spend the morning with me. It wasn’t like Dave was neglecting me—he’s a great husband and he loves to spend time with me—but I wanted him there all the time. I was upset because I was looking to him to be my source of happiness and contentment. I wanted him to make me feel secure and confident. But the Lord showed me that anytime we look to a person (even our spouse) to do what only God can do, we are going to be frustrated in life.
    The moment I stopped trying to force Dave to give me things only God could give me, I immediately had a new peace and joy in my life… and in my marriage. With that said, if I’m upset about something or if I need to talk, Dave is always there to encourage and help me, but he and I both know it’s only God who can provide everything we need in every situation.

Looking to Yourself
    When things get tough in life, there is a tendency in all of us to say “I’ll just take care of this myself.” Sometimes it’s because no one was around to help you when you were younger, so you’ve always had to be independent. Other times it’s because you are a strong person, perhaps very talented, and it’s just easier to trust those abilities to get you out of a jam.
    But you weren’t meant to go through life alone, and there are going to be times when your own strengths aren’t going to be enough. You’re going to face situations where only God is strong enough to carry you through. I suggest you get used to looking to Him now. Don’t wait for an obstacle so big, or a pain so deep, to drive you to Him out of desperation. Get into the habit of waking up every day and saying “Lord, today I trust You. Thank You for thegifts and abilities You’ve given me, but I don’t depend on my own understanding. I depend on You. Give me the wisdom, direction, and grace I need today to live an overcoming, victorious life.”
    You’re going to face situations where only God is strong enough to carry you through
    As great as friends can be, as wonderful as a godly spouse is, as important as it is to recognize the gifts and talents God has given you, none of these things can take God’s place in your life. Psalm 37:39 says: “But the salvation of the [consistently] righteous is of the Lord; He is their Refuge and secure Stronghold in the time of trouble.” The Lord is our refuge and our stronghold, no one else. This is why we’re filled with hope when we look to the Lord in times of trouble, not people.
    Has someone disappointed or let you down? Did it make you angry or resentful? Have you ever considered that perhaps it was your own fault for looking to that person to meet your needs instead of looking to God? I don’t mean that to sound harsh, or as if I don’t empathize with your pain, but the truth that we need to hear is often painful initially. If we have more of our hope and confidence in people than we do in God, He will reveal their weaknesses and let them disappoint us so we will eventually

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