The Silver Coin

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Book: The Silver Coin by Andrea Kane Read Free Book Online
Authors: Andrea Kane
Tags: Romance, Historical
    “Lady Breanna.” Royce said politely, bowing at the waist, then walking over to kiss her hand.
    “Welcome to Medford Manor, my lord.” Breanna’s tone was measured, her voice soft, lilting. Whereas Anastasia’s crisp English inflections had been muted by years in America, Breanna’s speech was utterly precise, the epitome of refinement.
    Royce’s lips grazed her knuckles. “Your home is lovely.”
    “Thank you. Not only for the compliment, but for your kind intentions.” She hesitated, then added, “I appreciate your riding out here so late in the day Damen seems to think you can help us.”
    Royce straightened, one brow arching in question. “But you don’t?”
    She rubbed the folds of her lavender day dress between her fingers. “I’m not certain. It’s not that I don’t trust Damen’s instincts. I do. It’s just that—”
    “It’s just that I’m a total stranger and you’re uncomfortable with me.”
    Surprise flashed in her pale green eyes, and she gave a self-conscious nod. “Exactly.”
    “I understand your reluctance. But, I assure you, I know what I’m doing.HowI do it, now that’s a different story. You might not care for my methods, especially since they can get a bit risky. What I suggest is this: let me take a look at the package and note you received, ask you a few questions. After dinner, we’ll discuss my strategy. If you don’t care for it, I’ll leave.”
    “And we’ll be right back where we started,” Damen put in tersely.
    Breanna gave a resigned sigh. “That’s certainly true. Very well, my lord. We’ll try it your way.” She crossed over, retrieved a box from the end table, and brought it to Royce, shuddering with distaste as she handed it to him. “This is what he sent.”
    Royce opened the box, carefully examining each doll before replacing them, turning his attention to the note.
    He read it through three times before lifting his head, meeting Breanna’s anxious stare.
    “Sit down,” he advised, gesturing toward the settee. “I want to hear everything you remember about what happened the night your father was arrested. Beginning after Bow Street led him away.”
    Breanna inclined her head, frowning a bit. “Aren’t you going to react to the dolls and the note?”
    “Yes.After I’ve gotten all the facts. Now have a seat and tell me about your confrontation with this assassin.” Royce glanced up, speaking to Anastasia and Damen as Breanna settled herself on the settee. “I want to hear the entire story from Lady Breanna’s point of view. No interruptions. Once I’ve finished, I’ll ask each of you if you remember anything different from or in addition to what she’s said.”
    “In other words, keep quiet,” Anastasia supplied.
    Royce perched on the arm of the settee, folding his arms across his chest and turning his full attention to Lady Breanna. “Go ahead.”
    She wet her lips, lowering her lashes and staring at the rug as she mentally traveled back to the night in question. “The Bow Street runners led Father off. Damen, Stacie, and I stayed behind on the docks for a moment. I suppose we needed reality to sink in, to convince ourselves that the whole nightmare was truly over. I was weak-kneed with relief that Stacie was safe. She’d taken a terrible risk dragging that confession out of my father. Finally, we started to leave. Stacie walked first. Damen and I were right behind her. I got the oddest feeling…” She made a vague gesture with her hand. “I can’t explain it. I just sensed a pair of eyes boring into me. I whirled around—and reached for the pistol I’d been carrying. That’s when I sew him.”
    “You saw him,” Royce repeated. “How clearly?”
    “Not clearly at all. He was some distance away. It was late at night, and the fog was fairly thick. What I saw was the silhouette of a man, and the glint of his pistol. I saw him raise the pistol, aim in Stacie’s direction.I knew exactly who he was, and what he

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