Welcome to Sugartown
smile. I must look like a deer, caught in headlights. He
opens his mouth and I think he's about to comment on how much I’m
shaking, but instead he kisses the tip of my nose so gently I
barley feel it. He eases his weight off of me, and I’m about to
protest when his mouth glides over my collarbone and lower still,
until he’s kissing my breast and taking my nipple in his
    I arch
against him. His calloused hand palms my other breast and then he’s
trailing his lips over my tummy, licking and kissing his way down
until his warm mouth covers me, underwear and all. Elijah shifts on
the bed until he’s lying between my legs. His fingers curl beneath
the waistband of my kickers and he peels them off, painfully slow,
and tosses them somewhere over his shoulder. I’m laid bare before
    He slips a
finger into my wetness and slides it up to my clitoris, circling
gently. I want to tell him to stop, or to go faster, or to just
wait a minute and let me breathe, but none of that is necessary
because all at once his hands are replaced with his mouth and his
tongue is gently laving at me. His arms border my thighs. His hands
lie flat against my stomach with just a hint of
    My hands fly
to his hair and tug on the length of his faux-hawk. I’ve never been
more glad that his hair isn’t cut in a conventional style; for one,
if there was any more I might pull it all out in the throes of
ecstasy. Too little of it, and he’d be sporting claw marks on
either side of his head.
circles his tongue around my clit before sliding the length of it
downwards, until he’s buried as far inside me as it will go. The
stubble on his chin and jaw prickles as he pushes his face into my
soft flesh, but it’s a sweet pain, and one I wouldn’t give up
freely. He lets out a moan and then lifts his head. There’s a light
sheen of moisture covering his mouth and, though I feel like I
should be more ashamed, or even a little disgusted, I have to admit
I don’t think I’ve ever been so turned on.
    He smiles
like he knows exactly what I’m thinking and then his mouth is on me
again, sucking this time. I feel him take that tiny bundle of nerve
endings in his mouth and the sensation lays waste to all other
thought, all other feeling than my whole world collapsing in on
    I throw my
head back and cry out, buck beneath him and clutch at his hair for
dear life as he brings me to climax.
    Or maybe it
was one long, uninterrupted surge of bone-melting pleasure. Either
way, by the time he comes up for air, he’s panting as hard as I
    Elijah swipes
the back of his hand over his chin and smiles at me with both
dimples popping out. He crawls up the bed toward me and as I watch
his predator-like movements, the waning fire inside my belly
ignites with new passion. His weight settles over me, his jeans
still on. He feels harder now than he was before, if that’s at all
possible. I look up into those chocolatey eyes and feel myself
falling. I know this is more than likely just the endorphins
talking because, when it comes to Elijah, I really know nothing
about him. How can you love someone you barley know? No. I know I’m
not in love with him, but for a moment I let myself believe I am
because I can’t think of anything more I could want.
    I don’t know
what’s going through his head but his dark eyes bore into me as he
gently strokes the side of my face. For a split second I think I
see him grimace, like he’s in pain, but it passes quickly and then
his mouth is on mine and he’s kissing me deep and slow, and the
fire in my belly is so distracting I can think of nothing else.
After a minute Elijah pulls back and whispers, “It’s never just a
kiss, Ana.”

Chapter Eight
    When I wake,
I’m flat on my back with wood the size of Mt Kosciuszko throbbing
at my jeans and Ana hovering over my hips. She’s still completely
naked and completely fucking unbelievable, even though her make-up
is smudged and she

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