their mouths muffled their surprise. I froze their hands to their weapons, then hammered my ice fists in their temples.
    Both lay at my feet within seconds. I leaned over the edge and saw the threats clear—for now. Nate sped to Georgia’s side. “Where’s Mandy?”
    The panic in his voice sliced through the distance and went right to my heart.
    Georgia flamed down and reached for Lois. She looked up at me and Nate followed her line of sight.
    I stepped up to the ledge. Okay, going up was definitely easier. I jumped off.
    “Mandy,” Nate yelled.
    My hands didn’t fail me, though. A steady stream of ice and liquid spewed out and softened my landing as my feet hit the ground.
    Nate leaned forward and scooped Lois up. “Come on. Before they wake up. I’d rather not have to kill anyone else today.”

    Chapter 13
    “L et’s stop here,” Tim steered the car into a parking lot of yet another hotel.
    At least this one was different. Had separate cottages, too.
    “You guys stay here. I’ll go get us registered for a couple of rooms with kitchens.” The car jostled as Tim slid out, and I watched him hoof it to the registration building.
    We’d driven about two hours from the town, more west and south. Lois stayed unconscious the entire time. I remembered, all too well, how potent those darts were, but even I started to worry.
    Lois sat between Georgia and me in the backseat. Georgia constantly held her former mother’s hand.
    “I can’t believe we finally found her. She looks so different,” Georgia whispered. Her fingers brushed against Lois’s smooth forehead. “Did you see how she looked at me when I flamed up?”
    “I did. She was shocked.”
    “I figured she knew, you know? With the book and stuff.”
    “She hadn’t been able to see the DVD, though, because it was coded, remember? So, she might have known you had a power, but not what kind.” I shook my head. “God only knows what she knows.”
    “I hope she wakes up soon so we can get some answers.” Georgia’s eyes welled with tears as she nailed me with a wide, blue-eyed stare. “What if she’s one of them?”
    “She’s not.”
    “How do you know for sure?”
    “I don’t. I’m hoping, that’s all,” I said.
    I reached in front of Lois, over her lap, and brushed my hand on my sister’s thigh. Her fingers curled around mine and squeezed. She covered her face with her free hand and her shoulders shook. “How have you done this so long, Mandy? I hate this. I just want to go home and have everything be okay again.”
    My heart cracked.
    “You know, like, when we were goofing around in gym class—when you decided to show up.” Sob. Shaking shoulders. “Or when you told the lunch lady you’d rather eat your toe than what they were serving. I want that. Those carefree, laughing, goofing around times.”
    They were carefree, laughing, goofing around times for her , never were for me. I could barely contain my powers back then. Sure, the Agent threat was a little less intense than it was now, and there wasn’t the whole soap opera of adoption, Moms, Zach, death all around me. . . but at least I had more control now.
    “I know, G. I know.”
    Nate looked back at me from the front passenger side seat. Wonder filled his big brown eyes. He hadn’t heard much about my high school years. Especially last year since I was with Georgia, Dan, and Zach for the better part of it. I tried not to talk about much with Zach in it. Felt weird.
    Not that Nate ever showed an ounce of jealousy or concern, which was really nice. Zach was more the jealous-tempered kind of guy. Regardless, I tried to stuff away the memories of Zach, especially the new ones starting to formulate from what Nate had told me about him. How he wasn’t doing anything. Dropped out of school. And then when I’d heard he hadn’t been online at all in months.
    I shook my head. Focus Mandy . I needed to be strong for Georgia right now. This was about her and Lois.

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