Seat Of The Soul

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Authors: Gary Zukav
example, or anxious, he or she feels physically depleted because he or she has merged with an energy current of low frequency. A person in this situation becomes heavy and dull, whereas a joyous person abounds with energy, and feels buoyant, because he or she is running a higher-frequency current of energy through his or her system.
    Different thoughts create different emotions. Thoughts of vengeance, violence, and greed, or thoughts of using others, for example, create emotions such as anger, hatred, jealousy, and fear. These are low-frequency currents of energy, and, therefore, they lower the frequency of your Light, or consciousness. Creative or loving or caring thoughts invoke high-frequency emotions, such as appreciation, forgiveness and joy, and raise the frequency of your system. If your thoughts are thoughts that draw low-frequency energy currents to you, your physical and emotional attitudes will deteriorate, and emotional or physical disease will follow, whereas thoughts that draw high-frequency energy currents to you create physical and emotional health.
    Lower-frequency systems pull energy from higher frequency systems. If you are unaware of your emotions and your thoughts, your frequency will be lowered by you will lose energy to-a system of lower frequency than your own. We say, for example, that a depressed person is “draining,” or that he or she “sucks up energy.” A system of sufficiently high frequency will soothe, or calm, or refresh you because of the effect of the quality of its Light upon your system. Such a system is “radiant.”
    By choosing your thoughts, and by selecting which emotional currents you will release and which you will reinforce, you determine the quality of your Light. You determine the effects that you will have upon others, and the nature of the experiences of your life.
    “Light” represents consciousness. When we do not understand a thing, we say that we must “bring it to light.’ If we are confused, we say that our process “needs more light.” When a sudden idea reorders our thoughts, we sad that the “light came on,” and when a person is fully coconscious, we say that he or she is “enlightened.” When you release a negative thought, or a negative feeling, you release lower-frequency currents of energy from your system, and this, literally, allows an increase in the frequency of your consciousness.
    Thinking of the Universe in terms of light, frequencies, and energies of different frequencies-in the terms that have become familiar to us through the study of physical light-is not merely metaphorical. It is a natural and powerful way to think of the Universe because physical light is a reflection of nonphysical Light.
    Physical light is not the Light of your soul. Physical light travels at a certain velocity. It cannot go faster. The Light of your soul is instantaneous. There is no time between a daughter’s loving intention toward her father and the soul of her father understanding that intention. Instantaneousness, therefore, is very much a part of your life. In nonphysical reality, the decisions that you make in terms of how you choose to use your energy have effects that are instantaneous. They are one with who and what you are.
    Energies that emanate from your soul have instantaneousness to them. Energies that emanate from your personality follow the path of physical light. Fear, for example, is an experience of the personality. The soul can be confused and away from Light, but it does not experience fear. If the soul experiences an absence of Light from a part of itself, the personality will experience this absence of Light as fear. That fear is of the personality, and, therefore, of space and time. Unconditional love is of the soul, instantaneous, Universal, not bound.
    Just as visible light is one portion, like an octave, in a continuum of energy of graduated frequencies that extends below and above what the eye can see, the continuum of nonphysical

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