A Season of Seduction
manner.” He flung a hand toward the paper in her lap.
She took a deep breath. “Garrett, I understand that what you saw was a very difficult thing for a brother to see—”
Garrett made a harsh, indecipherable noise.
“—but you must understand that I am an adult. Mr.Fulton is an adult as well. Whatever occurred between us was private, and it was very wrong of you—and of everyone else—to interrupt in such a manner.”
“I had heard there was trouble stirring and that it involved you,” Garrett said gruffly. “What would you have suggested?”
“Perhaps you might have tried knocking first? Perhaps you might have taken pains to ensure all of London didn’t witness the event?”
She welcomed the anger that heated her cheeks. It was much better than the despair, embarrassment, and guilt that had run rampant since last night.
Garrett’s narrow eyes grew narrower. “I did neither, and it is a good thing, too. Fulton has informed me that nothing was consummated between the two of you. If I had waited, if I had used manners and knocked on the door, no telling what might have ensued.”
“What might have ensued is none of your business!”
She glanced at Jack, her cheeks growing even hotter. He watched her with a bemused expression, almost as if he couldn’t believe she’d dare chastise her brother.
Garrett had the grace to look mildly contrite. “What’s done is done, Rebecca. What we must face now is the fact that all of society will soon know of your affair with Mr.Fulton.”
“That’s true.” She bowed her head. The anger seeped out of her as quickly as it had come. “I’m very sorry for that.”
“Fulton and I have spent some time conversing on the matter…” He paused.
“About how it can be resolved in the most expedient way possible.”
“And?” She gripped the arms of her chair. Gooseflesh broke out over her skin. She knew what was coming.
“He has offered for your hand in marriage.”
Wide-eyed, she turned to Jack. “You offered? You?”
She hadn’t expected him to offer anything. She was far more inclined to believe Garrett had held a pistol to his head and demanded a proposal.
“Yes,” Jack said. “Remember what I told you? I said I’d never leave you in the lurch, no matter the circumstance. I stand by my word.”
“I promise you, you must not feel compelled to do any such thing. If my brother has forced you to—”
Jack raised his hand to stop her. “No. His Grace didn’t force me to do anything. It was entirely my idea.”
“It is the most obvious solution,” Garrett said. “Given what happened. It is the most expedient way to salvage your reputation and put the rumors to rest.”
She swallowed hard. “Of course I do understand that is what will be expected after we have caused such a scandal. However, I care nothing for my reputation. You know that, Garrett.”
“In principle, it is the right thing to do,” Garrett said, and she detected a familiar edge of stubbornness in his voice. “And I know how you feel about scandal and reputation, Rebecca, but what about other members of your family who aren’t as invulnerable to such things?”
Becky flinched.
Leaning forward, Jack reached out for her hand. “I should like nothing more in the world than to make you my wife.”
Becky stared at him. This was a proposal. Jack Fulton was asking for her hand in marriage. He was asking her to spend the rest of her life at his side as his wife. He was asking for her trust and for her love. Forever .
“I’ve let a house for us near Richmond. It’s not much, but you’ll be close to your family, and I promise I will do my best to provide you with every comfort you require.”
This was very different from the midnight proposal she’d received from William four years ago. There were no protestations of love today. Jack wasn’t clutching her knees, desperately begging her to run away with him. Nor was he saying he couldn’t survive another moment without her

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