Follow Me When the Sun Goes Down

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Book: Follow Me When the Sun Goes Down by Lisa Olsen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lisa Olsen
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Paranormal
one too,” he grinned.  “Didn’t she tell you about that?”
    “Mr. James, on any other evening I might play this merry-go-round of questions with you, but I’ll be flat out honest with you and tell you I’ve got a heck of a hangover.  So how about you just tell me what you’re talking about?”
    Macallister laughed, the sound silky and appealing even through the hangover.  “I ‘preciate the honesty.  It’s always the best policy, ‘cept when a lie will do.  If you wanna take a few and fetch your gal down to do you up, I don’t mind waitin’.”
    “Fetch my…”  All at once I understood what he meant.  All I needed was a touch of blood and my hangover would be a thing of the past.  But I couldn’t use Maggie like that and Rob was definitely out of the question.  I supposed I could ask it of one of the security guys and compel them to forget it, but it seemed like a dangerous precedent to set.  “No, thanks.  I’ll be fine.”  All I needed was some time and my vampire nature would burn through it faster than a regular hangover, I was sure.  “So, what can I do for you tonight?”
    He leaned forward in his chair, an eager light to his eyes.  “Did you have a chance to go over my proposal?”
    “That gal of yours said she’d bring my petition to your attention, lickety split.”
    Maggie hadn’t mentioned anything of the sort, but then I remembered jokingly sending Jenessa over to meet with him, and now the crack about the mighty fine gift made sense.  Cripes, I hoped she hadn’t made any promises on my behalf. 
    “And I’m sure she will, when time permits.  You can imagine, I have a lot going on right now.”
    “I surely can.  And I wouldn’t press if I wasn’t on a bit of a time crunch m’self.”
    “Is there an expiration date to the offer on the table?”  My brows rose.  I didn’t like being pressured to do anything, even less with a time limit.   
    “Not at all, I’d just like to get things wrapped up before you’re distracted by the big dogs at the Gatherin’ is all.”
    I could see his point, but that didn’t mean I was going to scramble all over myself to make it happen.  “I’m sorry, I can’t guarantee I’ll have time to give your proposal the consideration it needs before then.”
    “Fair enough,” he replied, though I could see the disappointment written all over his face.  “I don’t suppose you might consider helpin’ a fella out another way then?”
    The mind boggled.  “What did you have in mind?”
    The charming smile was back, dimples flashing.  “I could sure use a ride to the big to-do over at Vetis.”
    “You’re looking to hitch a ride?” I blinked.
    “In a manner of speakin’.”
    “Are you invited to the Gathering?”  Somehow I hadn’t thought he’d be welcome, considering Texas’ independent status. 
    “Not official like, but they can’t deny anyone sanctuary.  I won’t get into any of the closed door meetin’s, but I can use the facilities to set up my own private meetin’s.”
    I considered that for a moment.  “No offense, but why go at all?  I’m surprised we don’t all meet by teleconference in the first place.”
    “Are you kiddin’ me?  Half these jokers don’t even know what a teleconference is.  This here’s a strictly old school meetin’ of the minds.  Now then, if I go in there with an accord between Texas and the West, with the shiny new Elder supportin’ our rights as a sovereign nation…  Well then, that makes my bargaining position all that much the better, don’t it?” he winked. 
    I could see the wisdom of that, but I didn’t want to be rushed into anything.  “I tell you what, Mr. James…”
    “Call me Mac.”
    “I’ll tell you what, Mac.  I will seriously consider an accord with Texas, but you’ll have to give me some time to familiarize myself with your politics before I sign anything.”
    “I get it.  Gotta give us a looksee before you’re

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