Falling for Her Captor

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Book: Falling for Her Captor by Elisabeth Hobbes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elisabeth Hobbes
heavily in the saddle. Bayliss bucked and for a moment Aline feared Hugh might slip. She crossed the ground between them almost without realising, her arms outstretched. Jack looked at her quizzically and she dropped her hands to her sides. With a fluttering heart she started to climb into the cart.
    ‘My lady!’
    At the sound of Hugh’s voice Aline felt the breath catch in her throat. She paused and looked over her shoulder.
    ‘It’s a fine morning. Why don’t you sit with Duncan?’ Hugh suggested.
    When Aline nodded he raised an eyebrow.
    ‘Good. You’re looking rather pale. The air will bring the colour back to your cheeks.’ With an innocent smile he dug his heels into the horse’s flanks and trotted off, leaving Aline open-mouthed and lost for words.
    Despite his insistence to the contrary it was obvious that Hugh could not ride without pain, and progress was slow. By the time they stopped for lunch his face had developed a waxy sheen and his knuckles were white from the effort of gripping the reins.
    It was late afternoon before they crossed the hills and made their way through the narrow valley towards Roxholm. As the cart travelled faster Hugh became more frustrated at his inability to control his mount. Finally he called for the cart to stop. Handing the reins to Jack, he climbed from the saddle somewhat awkwardly. He walked stiffly to where Aline sat and held out his good arm. His mouth twisted into a grimace.
    ‘I’m afraid I must trouble you for your place, my lady.’
    He sounded weary and his hand was cold to the touch as Aline took it. All the same her skin prickled where he rubbed his thumb across her palm. As Jack began to tether Bayliss to the cart Hugh motioned him to stop.
    ‘Bayliss gets restive if he doesn’t get enough exercise. Would you like to ride him, Lady Aline?’ Hugh gestured to where Bayliss stood, shifting his weight from foot to foot. ‘Unless you don’t think you could handle him, that is?’
    Aline lifted her chin with a snort and saw the challenge in Hugh’s eyes. Without speaking she took the reins from Jack and swung herself into the saddle. Bayliss tossed his head, impatient to move, his breath sweet on the air. A ripple of excitement ran up Aline’s spine at the sheer power of the animal. For a split second it crossed her mind that she could turn him about and be gone before anyone could stop her.
    She slid a sideways glance at Hugh. He was leaning forwards on the bench, watching her intently. With a nod she snapped her heels and spurred the animal into a gallop, Jack following behind on the mare.
    * * *
    Hugh watched them go, Aline’s exhilarated laughter floating on the breeze, and smiled to himself.
    Duncan cracked the reins and the carthorse set off. He looked from the path to Hugh, then back to the path, before smiling and shaking his head.
    Hugh ignored the soldier’s smile for as long as he could bear before finally sighing. ‘What is it, Duncan?’
    ‘You’re taking a risk, aren’t you, sir?’ Duncan asked. ‘Jack’ll never catch her if she makes a break for it.’
    ‘I don’t think she would now. We’re too far from her lands—she’d not know where to go.’
    ‘Good that she’s getting a last taste of freedom, then, given as how the Duke’ll be keeping her close by,’ the older man muttered, not quite under his breath.
    ‘She’s a hostage, Duncan, nothing more,’ Hugh snapped. ‘He’ll keep her until he negotiates trade concessions or land, then send her home.’
    Duncan snorted. ‘Do you really believe that? Even if that’s true he’s not going to keep a pretty thing like her around without taking the opportunity to amuse himself, is he?’
    Hugh clenched his fists as the fears he had been harbouring were voiced so starkly. ‘He wouldn’t dare try anything so foolish once she’s in the citadel—and why do you think I insisted it was me who brought her here rather than some of Stephen’s brutes?’ Hugh replied.

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