Bindings and Books

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Book: Bindings and Books by CM Corett Read Free Book Online
Authors: CM Corett
rearranged Ash’s body, guiding and rolling him to the side, knees pulled toward his chest. With a lubricated finger, he pressed firmly against Ash’s entrance, then waited, allowing the tension to build.
    Ash’s ragged breaths emphasized the passing seconds. Ash groaned. “Please.”
    In one fluid motion, he pressed his slickened finger into Ash’s body.
    “Ahhh!” Ash groaned into the pillow, pushing his hips back toward the invasion.
    James coaxed muscles to stretch, lubricating and stimulating Ash’s warm, tight channel, readying him for the next step.
    With the constriction around his fingers easing, he urged Ash to his hands and knees. Kneeling behind, he opened the condom, removed it, and then tossed a wrapper on the floor. The head of his cock bumped against Ash’s entrance.
    Ash’s breath hitched.
    “Yes! Please….”
    Grasping Ash’s hip, he pressed forward until his cock breached the tight ring of muscle.
    “Ah!” Ash tensed, his body clamping down on the intrusion.
    With sweeping strokes, he massaged Ash’s back and hips, giving his lover time to adjust. His own muscles trembled as he fought the urge to thrust. A bead of sweat rolled down his face, as the warm, narrow channel clenched his pulsing cock.
    Pressing forward. Waiting.
    He repeated the sweet torment.
    Finally, Ash’s body fully cradled him, welcoming him inside. James growled in triumph and settled against Ash’s back, wrapping him in his arms. “Ash, I love you.”
    Ash turned his head for a kiss.
    Feeling the connection to Ash like never before, James savored the moment. Their lips clung before the awkward position forced them to break away. Raising his upper body away from Ash, he gripped smooth hips. A ragged groan accented each hard thrust as he staked his claim. Long and slow. Short and sharp. The pressure built.
    He shuddered as Ash reached down to stroke his own rigid cock. Blood pounded through his veins as he viewed Ash’s gorgeous sweat-slickened body. And that ass! Surrounding him. Gripping him. It would be impossible to grow tired of such a beautiful sight.
    Sweat trickled down his chest. He wasn’t going to last much longer. After each hard thrust, he sucked in a ragged breath before slamming home again.
    Ash arched his back. “Yes. Yes!” His hips jerked. “Fuuuuuck!”
    He groaned as Ash’s tight channel squeezed and pulsed around his cock, dragging him, then holding him at the brink—ready to explode. “Ahhh!” With one last thrust, he catapulted off the edge, coming fast and hard.
    As he collapsed breathlessly against Ash, his heart slowed and his lips sought out the damp, smooth skin of Ash’s shoulder to taste and tease. With his tongue, he traced the outer edge of an ear. Ash laughed and squirmed. With one last swipe of his tongue, James removed his weight from Ash. The slow slide of his cock pulling from Ash’s body wrung a guttural groan from Ash’s lips.
    With the business of cleanup completed, he wrapped his arms around Ash, cocooning him with his body and love. He nuzzled Ash’s hair. “Mine.”
    Ash placed a lingering kiss upon his neck and inhaled deeply. “Love you too.”
    His arms tightened around Ash, binding them together. The corners of his mouth curled upward before brushing across warm skin. What had he done to deserve this? Amazingly, the gorgeous Ash Bradley-Mills had fallen in love with him—twice!

    S TANDING BY his black SUV, James could not keep the smile from his face. Moving day! The large terrace house before him was finally theirs. Purchasing a larger home to begin their new life together had been an enjoyable yet difficult process. His previously laid-back and easygoing boyfriend had become surprisingly stubborn over quite a few points. There had been numerous “discussions” concerning the perfectly sized kitchen countertop for Ash’s new, very large, and mind-blowingly complex coffee machine. However, they had eventually found the perfect

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