Navy Seal's Innocent Italian
gentleman, and he wasn’t disappointed. Jake courteously handed Alex into the car, holding onto her hand just a little too long before letting go and joining.
    Once in the car, the couple sat next to each other, and Marco went out of his way to make small talk amongst them. The restaurant he had chosen for dinner was across the city, and would necessitate a lengthy drive this time of night, but the food was worth every minute of it.
    Alex listened as Jake and Marco discussed various topics, content to listen to the low rumble of his voice and let his scent wash over hers.  He’s showered since dropping her off, and while he was wearing the same cologne as before, it was stronger now and having the same funny effect on her senses. As she sat there, she suddenly wished Marco had stayed away this evening. That would have provided her an opportunity to get to know Jake on a much more personal level.
    “Alex?” Jake asked, wondering what thoughts were going around in her head. She had a little smile upon her face and her eyes had a special glimmer in them. Maybe your nearness is affecting her like being near her is affecting you!
    “Yes?” she looked between the two men, blushing as she realized she had been daydreaming. “Sorry. Did you ask me something?” she asked, looking up and meeting Jake’s eyes.
    Marco watched the exchange between the two people and recalled the early years when he had first met his wife. He had looked at her exactly like Alex was looking at Jake. The chemistry between he and his Sophia had been staggering and even though she had been dead for almost thirty years, he hadn’t forgotten what the first signs of attraction felt like. Feeling like a third wheel, he made a decision as the limo pulled up in front of the restaurant.
    He allowed Jake to exit the vehicle and then assist Alex out before making his move, pulling his cell phone from his pocket in pretense of having received an important call. After several seconds, he leaned his head out of the car and told the couple standing on the sidewalk waiting on him, “I’m sorry, Alex. But I’m going to have to return to the office. The call I’ve been waiting on has just come in and it can’t wait. Jake, it was a pleasure to meet you and I look forward to seeing you again soon. Please enjoy dinner. Alex, just have everything charged to my account, and the driver will be available when you are ready to return.”
    Alex looked like she wanted to protest, but then she smiled at him and nodded, “Please get yourself something to eat before you work all night.”
    Marco smiled at her caring and nodded, “Don’t worry about me. I’ll order something in just as soon as I get back to the office. Have a nice evening.”
    As he was about to shut the door, Alex stuck her head back inside the car, “Are we still planning to leave for Colorado tomorrow?”
    Marco sighed and then nodded, “I will do my best to have my business wrapped up by then.” Seeing that she wanted to ask him something, he encouraged her to do so, “Did you have a question?”
    Alex nodded, “Well, I was just thinking, since Jake is headed to Colorado as well, if there was a way he could fly out there with us?”
    Marco smiled and then an idea came to him, “What an excellent idea!” Marco exited the vehicle, making Alex take a step backwards. “Jake, Alex tells me you are heading to Colorado tomorrow as well.”
    “Well, I was planning on that or the day after. The shipping company is supposed to pick my stuff up from storage tomorrow morning. After that, I thought I’d check out the flights and …”
    “No need for that. Alex and I were planning on flying via my personal jet tomorrow. However, I have a suspicion that business matters are going to require my presence in New York beyond that time frame. I would feel much better sending Alex on to Colorado if I knew she were not going to be alone. Would you consider flying out with her and helping her get situated at

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