The Trouble With Princesses

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Book: The Trouble With Princesses by Tracy Anne Warren Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tracy Anne Warren
other words, you can, as the saying goes, have your cake and eat it too.”
    A frown creased her strawberry blond brows. “I thought you were opposed to my taking a lover.”
    “I was, but at heart I am a pragmatist. Short of locking you up, which sadly I have not the means to do here in England, there is nothing I can really do to stop you.”
    “Though you have certainly given it a good try these past two weeks.”
    He chuckled. “I have. You are right. But my efforts grow wearisome for us both, I think. Upon reflection, I realized that you would simply persist in this notion of yours until you found some way to succeed, to your everlasting detriment.”
    “You don’t know that.”
    “I know the character of the men you have been considering, and none of them are worthy of the great trust you would be placing in their hands by taking them to your bed.”
    Her frown deepened.
    “So, it seemed to me that a compromise was in order.”
    “Meaning that this arrangement would simply be a way to keep me from causing an embarrassing scandal?” she shot back, regaining some of her natural fire. “It sounds rather cold-blooded to me.”
    “Oh, an affair with me will be anything but cold-blooded. I promise you that.”
    Reaching out, he stroked his knuckles over the side of her face from temple to chin. Though she tried to conceal it, he felt her response, a faint quiver beneath her skin that gave her away.
    He smiled and leaned forward. “You can’t pretend we aren’t compatible, not after that night in the study. You must think of it sometimes.”
    “You are wrong. I don’t,” she said.
    But he could tell she was lying by the way her gaze refused to meet his own.
    He caught her chin between his fingers. “Then maybe you need a reminder. A little something to convince you I’m right.”
    Bending low, he crushed his lips to hers, using just enough pressure, just enough skill and persuasion to hold her in his thrall. For a second she tried to pull away, but then she quivered again, her mouth trembling as a ragged sigh escaped.
    And he knew he had her.
    He deepened their kiss, not giving her the chance to do anything but feel. Her eyelids drifted closed, her lips softening as they grew warm and pliable against his own. Using the very tip of his tongue, he drew a damp line across the plump curve of her lower lip and felt her quake.
    He smiled and stroked again, the honeyed taste of her, the lush texture of her soft skin, sizzling through his veins like wildfire. How easy it would be to give himself over to the sensations.
    The temptations.
    But for now, he needed to keep his head. Needed to make her see the wisdom of choosing him as her lover. There would be time enough later to sate himself on her loveliness. Not that he intended to go quite as far as she thought or wished, but he would give her the pleasure she craved. He would see to it that she had nothing to regret.
    Slowly, reluctantly, he drew away.
    She sat unmoving, eyes still closed. She looked a bit like she was floating.
    He skimmed his fingers over her cheek. “See how good we are together? Tell me you will be my lover, Ariadne.”
    Her eyes opened, a misty passion lingering in their depths. As he watched, she worked to push it away. “I–I don’t know. I need to think.”
    “Very well. But do not think too long. I’ll want an answer soon.”
    She nodded.
    •   •   •
    Later that evening Ariadne stood in a crowded ballroom, her mind still awhirl with thoughts of Rupert and his startling suggestion.
    Be my lover, he had said.
    She shivered again just remembering his words and his kiss.
    Of all the men she had considered as potential lovers, she had never thought of him—well, not seriously.
    Naturally, she’d thought of his kisses from that night in the study, despite the denial she had offered when he’d questioned her this afternoon. She’d even dreamed of being in his arms again, reliving the raw passion and heady delight of his

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