Sleeping With Paris
    Lexi was a wild woman. Much wilder than Katie, or any of my other friends for that matter. But, a wild relationship-hater friend was just what I needed right now.
    I thought about what Lexi had said about Luc. I wondered how she knew he was good in the sack. Probably just a rumor through mutual friends . . . but, it wouldn’t have surprised me if she’d slept with him at one point. On the other hand though, Lexi didn’t really seem like Luc’s type. Not that I knew him that well . . . or really at all. Oh well, it didn’t matter. I needed to focus on having some fun with Luc tonight and moving on. Yes, Jeff and I had just broken up, but what was the point of sitting around and feeling sorry for myself when I knew I wasn’t going to go back to him? I decided to get moving and start primping for my dinner with Luc that night. Before any of that though, I had to sign onto my blog to share the latest.
    I was surprised to see that I had five new comments. Three were from my friends, and two were from girls I didn’t even know. All five of the women were right on board with my train of thought. A woman named Jill from Indiana had commented on my very first post:
    “This is better than any self-help book. Keep the adventures flowing and the lessons coming. I’m sending this to all of my girlfriends. You’re definitely onto something here. Can’t wait to read more.”
    Another woman, K.T. from New York, wrote:
    “I just found out that my boyfriend of six years has been sleeping with another woman for the past year. I’m devastated. One of my friends forwarded me your blog. I love this idea—dating like a man, but beating them at their own game. Count me in. You hang in there too—I know you must be hurting.”
    Inspired by my new online friends, I composed a new post:
    Rule # 1 – Have no shame and treat it like a game.
    Horny, drunk guys will approach almost any woman in a bar, give them a corny line, get shot down and do it again. They clearly have no shame. Because to them, it’s all a game of who they can score next.
    We can do the same thing ladies, but of course we’ll do it with a finesse that men could never possess. Don’t be afraid to talk to a cute guy in a bar. After all, if he disses you, he’s not worth your time anyway. And remember, we don’t care if we ever see him again. Put yourself out there to meet new guys, and don’t expect any of them to be your Mr. Right. Who is that dude anyway? I know I’ve never met him.
    Rule # 2 – Resist all temptation to get back with sleazy exes.
    To do this, you must follow lesson # 1 above. If you’re sitting at home alone remembering all of the good old days, this is a perfect time for your nasty, cheating ex to sneak up on you and attack. This is dangerous.
    You must be meeting other men to counteract an attack of this sort. Because, believe me, after those cheaters have had a little bit of time to sit with the weight of their actions, they will come crawling right back to you, begging for mercy.
    Don’t. Give. In.
    Rule # 3 – Protect your heart at all costs.
    After you’ve put your ex in his place, you may still secretly hope he will continue fighting for you. In these moments of desperation, remember that he was the one who chose to give you up when he cheated, and that even though you are hurting more than you ever thought possible, protecting your heart should be your number one priority. Don’t let him or your overwhelming emotions convince you otherwise.

    samedi, le 2 octobre
    Always bring a to-go box on a dinner date—you never know if you’ll
    have to flee the scene.
    At seven o’clock on the dot, I was ready to go. I had thrown together a casual but sexy outfit. I was wearing my favorite dark jeans paired with a pretty, light pink tank that showed off my cleavage. No need for modesty at this point. It was time to go for it.
    I walked the five steps down the hall to Luc’s place and knocked on the door. A

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