Slow Ride

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Book: Slow Ride by Erin McCarthy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Erin McCarthy
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Contemporary
not! Ew. Those are totally awkward and then everyone would think we’re dating . . . ooohh. ” The light went off in her head. She got where Kendall was going with this. “You’re right, people are totally going to assume he and I are a couple. Hell, if he was here with anyone else, I’d be writing about it in my gossip blog.”
    “Exactly. So I say check it out. Go out with him and see what happens.”
    “You just want to know about his penis.”
    Kendall grinned. “Maybe. But really, I think you might actually enjoy yourself. He’s a good guy, a good fit for you.”
    Tuesday didn’t know enough about Diesel Lange to make that kind of conclusion. She wasn’t even sure she knew what was a good fit for her. Her last three relationships had ended with the guys all concluding she was too successful, too independent, too driven. Apparently the modern man wanted a woman up in his shit all the time, as best she could figure. That wasn’t her. She had no interest in texting someone eight hundred times a day and spending every free second she had with him. She wanted a partner, an equal, someone whose company she sought because she enjoyed it, not because she was desperately trying to cleave to him so he didn’t leave her.
    It didn’t seem that complicated, but maybe it was. And while she had no clue what Diesel would look for in a relationship, she did know that thus far he’d treated her with kindness and respect, and that was no small thing.
    In fact, it meant the man deserved the cup of coffee she was holding for him. “Well, whatever he is, I should get back to him, and you back to your guests.”
    “Good point. Call me later. You know, after Diesel drives you home.” Kendall grinned.
    “I feel like ass. I’m definitely not sleeping with him today. If I’m going for it, you can be damn sure I’m going to be in top form.”
    “Oh, so it matters to you what he thinks?”
    With that comment, Kendall flounced away before Tuesday could nail her with a retort. It mattered, just not for the reasons Kendall was implying. It always mattered how people perceived her and she always wanted to do her best, no matter what it was.
    Uptight. Control freak. Yeah. That was her.
    Taking her seat at the table, she placed the coffee in front of Diesel. “I forgot to ask how you take it. Do you need cream and sugar?”
    He smiled at her. “Black is fine.”
    They just looked at each other for a second, her feeling scrutinized, him giving her a secret small smile. “What?” she finally asked him.
    “You just look pretty, that’s all.”
    Tuesday rolled her eyes, knowing she looked like hell, but she had to admit, she was pleased. “Thank you. Note to self: Diesel likes pasty white skin and dark under-eye circles.”
    “Yep,” he said, and took a sip of his coffee. Actually, it was more of a gulp, a man-sized sip that drained half the cup.
    Tuesday studied his hands. They were callused and rough, with long fingers, a working man’s hands. He might have a sizable bank account, but he was still the guy in the work boots, and she found that inexplicably hot. She found a lot of things about him hot, actually. Like his hair. His pale blue eyes. His jaw. His height. His hands.
    Mostly though, she liked his kindness. The way he sat relaxed, laid back, never stressing. She was like a continuous ball of energy—good or bad. She bounced between highs and lows, having a blast and stressing over everything , and Diesel didn’t seem to do that. He took life in stride, and when he looked at her, she felt like he was truly listening to what she was saying.
    Nor would he rise to the bait when she tried to provoke him.
    The woman in the pink suit leaned across Diesel to talk to Tuesday. “Your husband is a real sweetheart, dear. He’s been letting me show him pictures of my Lottie. She’s my Pomeranian.”
    “Oh, he’s not my husband.” Tuesday could have let it go, but then what if Diesel thought she was getting off on the

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