yours when you shine.”
    It was the kindest and most loving thing my
sister had ever said to me. I should have responded back lovingly
and we could have had a moment but I was still too angry. I
couldn’t help myself, I was so furious and defeated, “You have
Shane, how could you do this to him Alise?”
    Alise frowned, “I only dated him because it
seemed like the right move, like we should be together. I honestly
don’t think he even likes me. He doesn’t even kiss me. It's been
like nine months and nothing, I get it though his parents have a
lot going on but come one nine months and nothing.”
    I blocked out her ramblings. I felt tears escape
my eyes, I was trying so hard to rein them in but they were
rebelling and streaming down my cheeks.
    “I love you Aimee and when I find out who did
this to you I will make them pay forever.” Her stare became
malicious and sinister as she looked off for a split second.
    As suddenly as it all started it was over and
Alise stood up and left my room, waving goodbye to me. I understood
her less it seemed than I had thought I did and oddly enough felt
better from the weird moment. Alise truly did have a magic about
her, being angry with my sister was near impossible.
    I didn’t know what to do about Blake, I felt
betrayed but for some reason it felt like I knew this would
    I looked at Giselle who suddenly smiled, “ok
that was weird.” She whispered.
    I laughed feeling about the same, it was as if a
truck had hit me and I was left with all the pieces sitting on the
floor, “I’m sorry. My family has been a little freak show lately. I
really didn’t see that coming though.”
    Giselle nodded smiling, “Yeah dude your sister
has never cried in front of me except at your mom’s funeral which I
will say was not as many tears I would have thought she would have
shed. That was awkward, so you like that Blake kid?”
    I nodded my head slowly, “Yeah I did and she
knew I did, I thought I did. It just seemed like the way things
would go, a natural progression I guess. We make sense to be
together. We are both smart and easy going but passionate about
things we believe in. I’m a vegetarian and he doesn’t eat red meat.
Sort of like her and Shane I guess.”
    She laughed, “That is the dumbest thing I have
heard a smart person say. You can’t build love and a relationship
on facts and statistics and similarities. I think it’s safe to say
you’ve never been in love Aimee. But your sister is right you will
have an amazing love when you find it. You’ve held out for so long
when it happens it’s going to rock your world.” I laughed more at
Giselle than with her. Alise and Giselle treated me like a spinster
because I had yet to fall in love at eighteen. They acted like it
was thirty.
    I shook my head, “I think I will probably end up
the lonely old Miss Havisham with cats and craziness.”
    She frowned, “I don’t know this Havisham lady
but I doubt you will be lonely.”
    The doctor came into our room smiling but his
eyes looked off, “Girls do you want your assessments alone or
    I looked at Giselle and shrugged, “I’m good
together, we are in the same boat.”
    Giselle agreed, “Yeah go ahead.”
    He swallowed hard, “Not really the same boat
unfortunately but if you want your parents here let me know now,
you're both eighteen so they don’t have to be here unless you want
them here.”
    I shook my head and Giselle looked down shaking
hers knowing her parents wouldn’t come anyway.
    He cleared his throat and smiled weakly, I got
    “So Aimee your liver appears to be on the mend I
wouldn’t recommend drinking again for a long long time. You may not
ever be able to tolerate fatty foods and drugs and alcohol ever
again. But we are seeing a reduction in ALP levels and your
symptoms are diminishing rapidly. We have every reason to believe
you will make a full recovery over the next few months, very
limited exercise and a lot of

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