The Only Thing That Matters

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Book: The Only Thing That Matters by Neale Donald Walsch Read Free Book Online
Authors: Neale Donald Walsch
Tags: Ebook, book
Essence (the raw energy from which everything springs) sufficient to produce the possibility of that Essence knowing Itself .
    This is the quality in certain living things that is called Self-Consciousness.
    Human Life (and, we suspect with good reason, Life elsewhere in the Universe) was designed in such a way that what we call “expansion” of Consciousness and Experience is possible. In fact, human Consciousness can expand even to a point where it once again knows itself as part of The Whole.
    Jesus, for instance, said: I and the Father are one. He understood his relationship to God perfectly. He understood that the picture which the puzzle created was not Complete without him. He was The Completion.
    A Soul Knowing: God is both the Process of Life Itself and the result of it.
    As are we all.
    Take one piece of the puzzle away and the picture is not Complete.
    The experience of becoming fully Self Consciousness occurs through a process by which the Individuated Aspect does not grow , actually, but simply becomes more and more aware that it does not have to grow, but truly is, in its individuated form, Divinity Itself.
    The individual piece recognizes itself as The Puzzle Itself, simply divided.

    The spectacular physiological, psychological, and theological transition into that higher level of Self-Awareness occurs only once in the epochal history of every sentient species in the cosmos—and this is precisely what is happening within the human race right now.
    In the very first chapter of this book we said: “Something very unusual is occurring on this planet right now.” We weren’t kidding.


How It All Works
    T HE STORY OF HUMANITY’S birthing into the cosmic community of Highly Evolved Beings is already complete, etched into EverMoment.
    All has already occurred in that place of Time/No time. It is only the re-witnessing of The Story, with the eyes of our own Consciousness gazing upon it, that is awaited. It is us, bearing witness, that makes the story’s unfoldment real to us.

    To fully understand the above, hold a DVD of your favorite movie in your hand. Notice that the entire movie already exists on the disc.
    When you put the DVD into a player and watch the story unfold, even you know that everything has already happened. The disc player isn’t creating the story as it goes along, it is simply accessing the story that has already been created. It is projecting a miniscule portion of what is all there in whole and complete form onto your viewing screen frame by frame. This makes it appear as if it’s actually happening frame by frame, even though you know in truth that it’s all already on the disc, right to the story’s very end.
    You can hit Fast Forward and actually watch the story unfold rapidly, no longer in real time (as you understand “real time”). In real life, we all know how “time flies” when you’re having fun.
    Conversely, you can observe the story on the disc in slow motion—and many are those who will swear to you that they have watched a critical Moment in their own lives happening as if everything had slowed down .
    That’s as close as this narrative can come to explaining, using a simple illustration that the Mind easily embraces, exactly what is going on in Life.
    So know this: Everything that ever was, is now, and ever will be … is now. The Universe is full of stories, everything already having played out, all simply waiting for our witnessing of it.
    Do you wish to know this in real terms? Look up at the night sky. You are looking at what has already happened. The twinkling stars did their twinkling years ago— light -years ago. Do you think this is happening Right Now? You are looking at what has already occurred .
    Millennia ago .
    This is how you know, by the way, that nothing bad is going to happen on planet Earth. By that is meant nothing completely, totally, and utterly disastrous, at the level of

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