Darke Academy 4: Lost Spirits

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Book: Darke Academy 4: Lost Spirits by Gabriella Poole Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gabriella Poole
the same thing too … her wishes, for once, might be coinciding with his.
    ‘Evening, Sir Alric,’ Cassie said pointedly, so Isabella could hear. ‘What can we do for you?’
    Isabella turned in her seat, a little alarmed, but Sir Alric smiled at her directly.
    ‘I have something I need to discuss with Isabella. With both of you, in fact.’
    ‘Right …’ Cassie stared at him, trying to get a read on his plan.
    ‘I know it’s a little late, but this is important.’
    Folding her arms, she leaned on the doorframe. ‘Go on.’
    He shook his head a little and took a step back from the doorway. ‘I can’t explain here, but I must ask you both to come with me.’
    ‘ Now? ’
    ‘Now, Cassie.’ He looked past her and nodded at Isabella. ‘This won’t take long.’
    What’s he up to? thought Cassie, as she waited for Isabella to replace the cap on her expensive pen and join them. If he was going to attempt to convince Isabella to stay at the Academy, why couldn’t he just do it there? Maybe this wasn’t what she thought it was. Perhaps he had some less benevolent means of convincing students not to leave … She shook her head. That was ridiculous. Though stranger things had happened around there. She went on her guard as Isabella joined them by the door.
    But as they stepped into the corridor another idea slid into Cassie’s head; she felt her heart jolt again, though for different reasons. Could he … could he possibly have news of Ranjit? If he did, could it be bad news? Maybe that’s why he wanted Isabella there, in case Cassie reacted badly? A knot began to form in Cassie’s stomach. She didn’t like all this mysteriousness.
    ‘It’s flattering you came yourself, sir,’ she said tightly. ‘Why haven’t you sent your attack dog?’
    Sir Alric closed the door behind them and led them both away. ‘You mean Marat? Ah, what a shame you’re so hostile, Cassie.’ He smiled a little. ‘You wouldn’t believe it, I know, but Marat is a treasure house of Few lore and knowledge. I know you dislike him, but he’s always been loyal to me, and I’ve never had reason to doubt him. You should have a more open mind about those you encounter – especially amongst the Few,’ he added pointedly.
    Isabella was silent, anxious, but Cassie scowled. ‘If you trust him so completely, why didn’t you send him to get us?’
    ‘There are some things I don’t even want to share with Marat. At the present time, anyway.’
    Now Cassie’s curiosity was piqued even more. Marat must know about Isabella leaving the Academy. Information about Ranjit, on the other hand – that could be something Sir Alric would want to keep under his hat.
    Isabella was hanging back a little, so Cassie took the chance to hiss at him, ‘What’s going on? Is this something to do with Ranjit? Why is Isabella coming?’
    ‘Patience, Cassie.’ He gave her a strict sidelong glare, and spoke in a normal voice that Isabella must have heard. ‘This concerns Isabella more than anyone.’
    Maybe he was going to try to talk her out of it. She turned back and exchanged a worried glance with Isabella. Darke needn’t think he was going to use Cassie’s feeding to blackmail Isabella into staying. Cassie wasn’t going to stand for that. She hoped her friend knew it, and tried a smile to reassure her. What was he up to?
    Cassie blinked as Sir Alric turned to climb yet another flight of stairs. ‘Er … but your office is on this floor?’
    ‘We’re not going to my office. Do stop trying to second-guess me, Miss Bell.’
    More irritated than ever, she followed him up the next flight and along another narrow corridor. They were in a separate part of the building now – one with so many twists and turns along the way, she was no longer sure where they were heading, and Isabella had caught up, nervous, sticking close to Cassie.
    ‘Where are we going?’ she hissed.
    Cassie could only shake her head. Her fists were balled – partly with

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