splendid biographer, adeptly matches factual rigor with enthralling insights in this brilliantly contextualized and beautifully crafted portrait of a unique cultural interpreter.”
— Booklist (starred review)
“Emphasizing the imagination’s power to ‘make bearable things too ugly to confront directly,’ Spurling sensitively traces the biographical background of Buck’s writing.”
— The New Yorker
“A thrilling biography of the Nobel prize–winning writer…. Spurling, who has never written a dull sentence, also has magic power as a writer.”
— The Sunday Times (London)
“Hilary Spurling’s riveting biography should bring Buck and her work back to the forefront of public consciousness as China once again looms large in our political and cultural lives. A marvelous book.”
—Erica Wagner, literary editor of The Times (London) and author of Ariel’s Gift
“An elegant and sympathetic portrait of one of the most extraordinary Americans of the 20th century…. An illuminating and compelling biography.”
— The Guardian (UK)
“Fascinating… revealing.”
— The Economist
“A terrific story, told with rare intelligence and refinement.”
— Daily Mail (UK)
“Spurling’s compelling examination of the imaginative sources of Buck’s fiction succeeds triumphantly.”
— The Daily Telegraph (London)
“A gripping biography…. Haunting stuff.”
— Daily Express (London)
“Absorbing…. Spurling shows how China and the Chinese shaped Buck as a person and as a writer.”
— USA Today
“This compassionate biography, which focuses on the first half of Buck’s life, when she lived in China, should move readers to rediscover her work as a source of insight into both revolutionary China and the United States’ interactions with it.”
— Foreign Affairs
“Elegant, timely.”
— The Independent (UK)
“Adds valuable perspective…. Respectfully resets her life and work in its appropriate contexts.”
— Kirkus Reviews
“A nuanced biography of the writer’s 40-year residence in China…. Spurling rediscovers a trailblazing heroine whose life speaks to her legacy as deeply as her books do.”
— More magazine
“An immensely readable account of Buck’s life, which encompassed all the violent upheavals that turned Imperial China into a Communist state. Spurling marshals her material beautifully.”
— Metro (UK)
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Simon & Schuster Paperbacks
1230 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10020
Copyright © 2010 by Hilary Spurling
All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever. For information address Simon & Schuster Paperbacks Subsidiary Rights Department, 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020.
First Simon & Schuster trade paperback edition June 2011.
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The Library of Congress has cataloged the hardcover edition as follows: Spurling, Hilary.
Pearl Buck in China : journey to the good earth / Hilary Spurling.—1st Simon & Schuster hardcover ed.
p. cm.
1. Buck, Pearl S. (Pearl Sydenstricker), 1892–1973—Homes and haunts—China. 2. Buck, Pearl S. (Pearl Sydenstricker), 1892–1973—Knowledge—China. 3. Authors,