My Alien Love

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Book: My Alien Love by LaVenia R. Boswell Read Free Book Online
Authors: LaVenia R. Boswell
let me in.  I'll be gentle.”  He thought he heard the door knob, then panic returned to him.  “No, don't let me in!  I can't trust myself and I don't ever want to hurt you!”
           A wave of painful desire flooded over her, then he whispered, “Just one kiss . . . then I'll be all right.”
           Her sobs became louder.
           “Melody, listen to me,” it was Mark’s voice this time.  “I want you to take a chair and wedge it under the door knob!”   
           She heard shuffling outside the door, it began to sound like there was fighting going on. 
           “Drink this Jonathan!  You have to drink this,” some other man was saying.  There were more scuffling noises. 
           “He won't!” Mark exclaimed exasperated.
           “Jonathan, will you do me a favor?” Melody crooned through the door.  “Will you drink some of the tonic so you can help me?  The pain's getting worse and I don't know how to control it like you do.  I need you to help me.”
           “Anything, anything you want or need I'll do it,” came Jonathan's reply.
           “Here Jon, take the medicine to help Melody,” Mark's calm voice said.
           “He'll be okay now Mel, you can go back to sleep.  But don't move the chair!  Just in case.”
           “Goodnight Mark.  And . . . thank you.  Take good care of him!  He can't help himself, he's in terrible misery.”
           Nursing his bruised jaw he said, “Yeah, I know.  But I hope I give him total grief when I'm Pre-Ceremony!”
           Apparently the adrenalin rush had depleted all her energy stores because she fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.

    Melody awoke to the sound of beautiful music.  As she sat up she discovered it was coming through the speakers on the walls.  Stretching like a cat she pulled all the kinks out of her muscles.
           Looking around she remembered where she was and what day it was. 
           “Little girl, you're going to get married today!” she sang aloud.  Going into the bathroom she brushed her teeth, used the bathroom then took a hot shower and groomed herself, being careful not to nick her skin.  Why must women be so hairy, she thought for the ten millionth time in her life?
           She noticed a pearl handled brush and comb on the vanity.  They think of everything don't they? she mused.  Lifting the lid of a frosted glass vanity tray she was really surprised to find all the make-up from her apartment was inside.
    Well, I guess I might as well make myself presentable , she decided looking at the make-up.  Seated on the soft elongated vanity bench she proceeded to put on her face.  When she finished she felt really good.
           Now to find her clothes.  She looked everywhere, they were gone.  Oh, no!  She suddenly remembered a woman asking for her clothes last night after her shower.  She moved the chair from the door and peeked out.  No one was around.  Where was everyone? What should I do?   Closing the door and looking around her room she spotted the intercom.  But, which button should she push? 
           Since no one appeared to be close by she threw them all, then shyly spoke into the microphone.  “I need some clothes, I don't have any clothes.”  She paused, then asked, “Is anyone here?”  Looking at her hand on the button she figured she might have to let it go for someone to respond. 
           As soon as she moved her finger the deep masculine voice she loved spoke, “I'll bring you your clothes.  If you insist you need them.  Personally, I think you look beautiful without them.”
           Heavens!  She'd forgotten how his voice made her tingle.  Well, there wouldn't be any shenanigans today.  How did he know how she looked without

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