Evanesce (The Darkness #2)

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Book: Evanesce (The Darkness #2) by Cassia Brightmore Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cassia Brightmore
chair. There was a mountain of paperwork to catch up on since taking full control of the family ranch. Her father had believed in running the ship single-handedly, never accepting outside help unless absolutely necessary. The only reason Nora knew anything about ranching was from the moments she stole observing him. She had become an expert at eavesdropping on conversations between the few ranch hands her father had employed. Now that he was gone and the power was in her hands, things were going to be run a hell of a lot differently.
    “Starting with hiring an accountant,” she huffed, tossing the paperwork aside. She’d never had a head for numbers, being in the thick of the action getting her hands dirty was what she preferred. Nora believed being a leader meant being seen, not just being heard. A leader gained respect by showing respect, tyranny had the potential to turn into hate or rebellion; neither was an outcome she was looking for. Jacobs’ Ranch was going to return to its former glory—back in the days when her Grandfather was in charge.
    Her father, Benedict Jacobs was a self-righteous bastard. He treated his family like employees and his employees like scum. When the time came that her Grandfather could no longer care for himself, he shipped him off to the nearest old age home and took full control of the ranch. A fact that surely would have had her sweet Grandmother spinning in her grave.
    Pushing those memories aside, her thoughts returned once again to Gabe and their conversation a few days earlier. Admitting that their town was under attack from some very sick, dangerous individuals was not an easy feat. Norton Springs had a very low crime rate, this sudden spike in murders, missing women and infants was almost hard to believe. But the facts were staring them in face, this was happening right in their backyard, whether she wanted to believe it or not. Try as she might, Nora couldn’t fathom the devastating hole a missing child would leave. Gabe had been shocked by the updates, he was aware of the general situation, but not how it had escalated in such a short time. He left not long after they filled him in to follow-up with Theo and the authorities on any progress in the case. The smoldering look he sent her before heading out the door spoke volumes. What they had started in the foyer wasn’t finished, whether she wanted to admit it or not.
    Her office door opened and Theo sauntered in, Gabe on his heels. Gabe’s eyes shot straight to hers, drinking her in. Nora could feel the heat of his gaze from across the room like a blaze, searing over every part of her body. Theo tossed her a grin and strolled in, lowering himself into one of two unoccupied chairs in front of her desk. Crossing his ankle over his knee, he looked between the two of them and let out a low whistle.
    “Shall I just close my eyes and you two can just jump each other? I don’t want to see, but I’m not opposed to hearing a little early morning sexy time,” Theo’s teasing voice had Nora gritting her teeth.
    “Shut up, you idiot,” she told him, ignoring Gabe’s chuckle. “There will be no sex. For anyone,” she added. A hurt expression crossed Theo’s face.
    “Let’s not get carried away,” he said, pointing at himself with his thumbs. “This guy can’t make that promise.” He winked at her as she rolled her eyes.
    Gabe patted him on the shoulder as he walked forward, heading straight for Nora. Panicked, she started to rise, but he was too quick for her and placed a hand on each of the arm rests of her chair—effectively caging her in. Leaning down, he placed a small kiss on her lips, swiping his tongue lightly across them. “Good morning, baby. Mmm, missed your taste.” Straightening up, he stuck his hands in his pockets, pleased with himself.
    Shoving aside the spark of electricity she felt from his simple touch, Nora took a deep breath. “Can you keep your…parts to yourself, please?” Averting her eyes from

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