Tackled (Alpha Ballers #1)

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Book: Tackled (Alpha Ballers #1) by Lucy Snow Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lucy Snow
like he’s more interested in doing things that would get normal people arrested.”

    Steve had a point there. There was no telling what was going on in Drake’s head. I had no idea whether he was ready for the rigors of playing pro football.

    I started gathering my things and putting them a bag. Luckily I hadn’t brought too much stuff to the office already. “All I’m saying, Steve, is that the guy is good enough that he gets one more chance.”

    Steve stepped back. “You’re right, he does, but only because he’s that good. Anyone else would be on the street with no one remembering who he was.” He watched me pack for a second. “Listen, all I’m saying is, don’t get too caught up in reporting the Drake Rollins story. Do it as well as you can and then get back here and start writing about more important things.”

    I surveyed my desk and nodded. “Thanks for your concern, Steve.” I picked up my bag and brushed by him, heading toward the door.

    About 10 feet later I stopped, turned around, and walked back to him, taking my wallet out and handing Steve $50. “Put that on ‘Drake makes the team’ for me, will you?”

    Steve paused for a moment while he understood what I’d said, then smiled and took my money, taking out his wallet and dropping it in. “I’ll do that. You take care of yourself out there, yeah?”

    I laughed. “Steve, I’m going to Foxboro. It’s not Afghanistan, it’s not Antarctica. It’s like 40 miles away.”

    “Fine, fine, get yourself lost, then. See if I care.”

    I smiled. “Bye, Steve.”

    I said goodbye to a couple other coworkers on the way, people I was just starting to get to know since I had arrived. They all treated me with sympathy, like I was leaving forever, never to return.

    What the hell? It’s not like I was dying, why were all these people treating me like the next time they would see me was at my funeral?

    My career couldn’t be so tied together with Drake’s success now, could it?

    That made no sense.

    What had I gotten myself into?


    First day of training camp!

    First day I had a chance to show all these assholes that I belonged here, that I was part of the team, and that I would be the deep threat in the end zone they needed to bring home a championship.

    It had taken a little getting used to the weather in Massachusetts - I much preferred the warmer weather of down south, but when you were in my situation, you couldn’t really choose where you played. All I needed to do was make the team and show people what I could do, and maybe I’d get to sign a big deal somewhere else where I could walk around without a jacket on for most of the year.

    Today, at least, was sunny and warm, and I knew the humidity, which I was just getting accustomed to for the first time in my life, would be killer once we got out onto the field, but for now it wasn’t so bad.

    I arrived at the facility at 8am, just as expected. Coach Armstrong was standing outside the front door, greeting the players, new and returning. When I came up to him, I held out my hand to shake with him, but he just looked down at his clipboard.

    “Rollins. Good to see you,” was all he said. It was the least affected greeting I had ever gotten.

    “Thanks, Coach! Happy to be here! Excited to help out.” Coach Armstrong grunted and ushered me inside. There, the attendants and assistants helped me out in getting my room assignment.

    It took me a few minutes but I found my room, unlocked the door, and walked in, setting my bag down on the cold floor. Two single beds. “What the fuck is this?” I said out lout to no one in particular.

    An assistant, passing by in the hallway, stuck his head in. “Everything cool?”

    I turned around and faced him. “There are two beds in here! And they’re both so small!”

    He chuckled. “Yeah, it’s two to a room. We have over a hundred guys in here right now, and this isn’t a hotel.”

    “I need my own room, man, I

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