Russian Hitman's Innocent American

Free Russian Hitman's Innocent American by Bella Rose

Book: Russian Hitman's Innocent American by Bella Rose Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bella Rose
addicted to the way she’d felt wrapped around him.
    He was hungry for more.
    She must have caught the look in his eyes because she gave him a devilish smile. “For someone who doesn’t want a repeat of last night, you’re doing a piss-poor job of hiding your lust.”
    Reluctantly and almost angrily, he turned away. “I’m going to review the documents and try again to get ahold of Kaz. I need to find some place safe to stash you until this is all over.”
    “Stash?” she muttered angrily. “I’m not something that just can be shelved, Dmitri.” He didn’t say anything, and she sighed. “Fine. I’m going to take a shower. I hope you’re in a better mood when I get out.”
    He kept his back turned until he heard the door close and the shower start. He almost didn’t trust himself not to go in and join her, so he ordered some room service, left her a note to stay in the room, and went down to the lobby. From there, he could safely review his pictures and keep an eye on the entrance to make sure none of Ivan’s men tried to come through.
    Ivan would have a hard time tracking him down, but hiding was harder with Charley along. Once Ivan learned that she had disappeared last night, he would suspect that she was with Dmitri. And two were easier to track than one.
    His old guardian hadn’t changed much about the home since he’d moved in. Fedor Saiko had impeccable taste, and Veronika had taken virtually nothing with her when she moved out. She’d been so disgusted with everything that she just signed everything over to Ivan like it was nothing. Was she another person he’d duped on his way to the top?
    He tried to remind himself that he didn’t have proof of Ivan’s wrongdoings. Until then, he needed to try and keep an open mind. The man had practically raised him.
    Raised and molded him into a monster.
    He continued to leaf restlessly through the papers. Most of it was transfer information from the companies that Fedor ran. None of it would help him.
    Anything truly personal wouldn’t be in this heap of pictures, but Dmitri did have a chance to jimmy into a locked drawer of Ivan’s desk. Inside, he found a bound folder that contained older pages. He’d taken pictures of each page before he realized that his time was up.
    He was just about to look at the pictures when he felt like someone was watching him. Looking up, he felt a streak of anger. Charley had left the room and anyone could have grabbed her. But when he looked at her face, his mouth immediately dried.
    Her hair was still soaking wet from the shower, and the white tank top she wore was slowly soaking through. If he didn’t get her out of the lobby soon, she was going to give everyone a show.
    Hastily, he tucked his phone away and hurried to her. “You shouldn’t be out here,” he said as gruffly as possible. It sounded weak even to him.
    “I was going to see if I could get something fresh to wear from the store. Then I remembered that I don’t have my wallet. So I was going to ask to borrow money, and that seemed humiliating, so I guess I thought maybe you’d suggest new clothes if I came down looking like this.” She took a deep breath and looked at him. “Also, I suppose that I wanted to apologize. I know this isn’t easy for you, and I know having me around is just making things harder.”
    Something was certainly hard, and it wasn’t exactly the situation. It suddenly occurred to him that when this was all over, he would never see her again. The thought hit him like a brick wall, and for a moment, he couldn’t breathe.
    “Go back up to the room,” he said quietly. “I’ll go get you something to wear.”
    “Dmitri,” she started softly, but he only lifted an eyebrow. If she thought he was angry with her, she couldn’t have been more wrong.
    Twenty minutes later, he was back in the room with some bags. She sat on the bed with her wet hair wound to the side, and she looked hesitantly at him. He gave her a gentle

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