Magic at Midnight

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Book: Magic at Midnight by Gena Showalter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gena Showalter
her expression.
    “I’m naked,” Glory said, her voice frantic. “Where are my clothes? Falon can’t see me naked!” Her movements jerky, she searched the dirt, found the yellow dress Godiva had worn, and tugged it over her head.
    Falon skidded to an abrupt stop in front of Glory. “Are you alright?”
    His gaze focused on Glory, and Godiva was amused to realize she herself could have been a bloody, writhing mass and he wouldn’t have noticed. Still, she scrambled for the clothing littering the ground, a pair of stone-washed jeans and a pink sweater.
    “We’re fine,” Glory said stiffly. She pushed to her feet and smoothed her hair out of her face, looking anywhere but at Falon. “How did you know we were in trouble?”
    A tinge of color darkened his cheeks. “I sensed it.”
    Well, well, well. Godiva had never seen the two exchange a single word, yet here they were, acting as if they knew each other. How interesting. Sexual attraction sparked between them, white-hot, intense. Nearly palpable.
    “Well, you’re too late,” Glory told Falon. “We took care of everything ourselves.”
    Just then Romeo appeared in front of Godiva, claiming her attention. “There’s my good boy,” she said, reaching out for him. He dropped an arm bone at her feet as if it were the greatest prize in the world and nuzzled her with his nose. She luxuriated in his soft black fur as his tongue flicked out and licked her collarbone. “I’m glad you’re okay.”
    “Eww.” Glory balled her fists on her hips. “I know I’ve said your boyfriends were dogs in the past, but hello. This one is a dog. Don’t let him lick you like that. Have him neutered, at the very least.”
    “He’s my special sweetie.” She rubbed her cheek against his. “My hero.”
    Glory turned on her heel. “I’m outta here,” she called over her shoulder.
    “I’ll walk you home,” Falon said.
    She didn’t bother glancing in his direction. “No, you won’t.”
    “I wasn’t asking. I was telling.” The determined man strode to Glory’s side, keeping pace beside her.
    “I don’t need your help, jerk-off.”
    “I’m giving it anyway.”
    Their voices faded. Romeo growled at Glory’s retreating back, then looked up into the sky and howled. As he howled, his body elongated and his fur fell away. Godiva gasped and jerked away from him. Skin and muscled ridges were forming. Ribs, fingers, and toes. Bronzed skin.
    “Romeo?” she asked, frightened. Her mouth went dry, and her heart pounded against her ribs. He was… beautiful. “Romeo?” The name emerged on a breathless catch of air this time.
    Dark gold human eyes were suddenly staring down at her, and she drank in the most beautiful face she’d ever seen. Perfectly chiseled cheekbones, perfectly sloped nose. Full, lush pink lips made for kissing. Her gaze traveled downward, taking in the rest of him. His chest was wide and muscled, like velvet poured over steel. And his— “Sweet mercy.”
    “I’ve been dying to do this all week, but was afraid you’d stop coddling and petting me.” He grinned wickedly. “You are not mad?”
    His voice was rough and husky, and so sexy she shivered. Gulping, she blinked up at him. “Not mad. Promise.”
    “I would like a chance to coddle you . Let me take you home.”
    To bed , echoed in her mind, unsaid. “Yes. Take me home.”

• Six •
    Y OU’RE here,” Genevieve said as Hunter slid her down his body. “You’re really here.” She circled him, disbelief, joy, and sexual hunger eating at her. Pink pollen twirled around them.
    Hunter remained utterly still. He was as harshly gorgeous as ever, only somehow more savage looking. Her heart thrummed with excitement, even as confusion rocked her. “How are you here? You aren’t a corpse and you aren’t a spirit, but you’ve been gone for three days.”
    Trees swayed around them, and the scent of moon-magic and jasmine wafted headily through the air. Rays of muted light illuminated the

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