Shadow (A Bad Boy Romance): The Hoods MC

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Book: Shadow (A Bad Boy Romance): The Hoods MC by Heather West Read Free Book Online
Authors: Heather West
get back in touch with her sister, even if that sister did hate me and would try to take Sky away from me.
    But then Marie walked away.
    Only Marie.
    Sky remained there, sitting on a barstool. After a moment, she got up, walked around to the bar, and started to rummage through the bottles. When she bent forward, her shirt fell away from her chest, and I could see her creamy breasts encased in her lacy black bra…
    Without thinking, I got to my feet to try and better adjust myself. The sound of my chair scooting across the floor, echoed across the room.
    Her head snapped up, and her gaze darted around the room. She looked in my direction, but didn’t give any indication that she saw me. The lights never reached this corner of the bar, so maybe I was hidden enough by the shadows and the pinball machine to be not be visible.
    I sat back down  as Sky walked around the bar and headed slowly toward me. After a few steps, her confusion changed into understanding and then to anger. She marched over to me. "How long have you been sitting there?"
    Calmly, I drank he last of my beer. "I didn't hear anything you two talked about if that's what you are worried about." I kicked out the other chair. "Sit."
    She shoved the chair back under the table. "What did you do?"
    "I… What?"
    What was she talking about? Just what had Marie told her? The two had been fairly close… up until the time we started to date seriously. Then Allie had pushed Marie away, saying she was tired of hearing her say, over and over again, about how she could do better. Allie and I had been happy, once upon a time. We had some good times and that wasn't just the sex, though those had been some REALLY good times.
    But then Allie had learned about my past, the complete truth, all of it… and she had left me high and dry. I'd figured she'd run back to her sister. She had broken my heart, so I hadn't even considered going after her.
    But, here she was again, and it looked like history might be repeating herself, if Marie storming off was any indication. Picking me over her sister. After what she'd witnessed. This Sky… she might have demons of her own—her past and fear of the future—but she was, at least for now, willing to come back here, to me, even with all my demons too. But come back to what? This whole situation was fucked up.
    Even though the situation was completely messed up, this was a chance I never thought I would have, a chance I never that I would ever want.
    But I did. A part of me, a huge part, still wanted her in my life. Maybe it was weakness on my part. Weak wasn't something I tolerated, something I allowed myself to be.  I was strong. Hell, I killed people. But if I had a weakness it was her, and I had already proved that last night. Not with saving her. With fucking her.
    "What did you do that made me break up with you?" She crossed her arms and stared down at me, daring me to ignore her questions.
    I stared at her face. She looked pissed, worried… and concerned. There might be something else too, but I couldn't be sure. Sky had a second chance. We had a second chance.
    Shit, she could be my one salvation.
    But if she were to stay and not bolt, she couldn't ever learn the truth. Not again.
    "You found out."
    "About?" Sky impatiently tapped her fingers on her upper arm, eyes narrowing.
    "About my missions."
    "That's all? There was nothing else?"
    "What else would there be?" I asked bitterly. "Isn't that enough?"
    "You're sure?" she pressed.
    I forced myself not to look away, to not give any clue that I was lying. Of course, she would want to be reassured. Of course, she wouldn't easily trust me. I took a deep breath. "We broke up because of what I do. My missions. I've never killed anyone except for pedophiles. My vengeance. I…" Now I couldn't help glancing away. "I don't expect you to understand or to accept it…"
    "Good, because

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