My Commander (Bewitched and Bewildered #1)

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Book: My Commander (Bewitched and Bewildered #1) by Alanea Alder Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alanea Alder
Before she realized it, they were back at the house. He parked right in front of the door. Not wanting to piss him off even further she waited for him to open the door. He jerked it open, grabbed her hand and pulled her out.
    He surprised her when he headed to the back instead of going to the front door. They walked past the manicured flower beds and Koi ponds. She didn't have time to admire the gazebo or rose covered trellis. He kept marching until they hit the woods and still he walked. She could tell they were on an established path, but it was one created after years of being walked instead of man made with stone or brick.
    He didn't stop until the trees cleared to reveal a small mountain brook. When she looked around, she felt like the city and the house were worlds away. This place felt so isolated and peaceful. Finally Aiden dropped her hand and went to stand by the brook looking down at the water.  
    "Aiden, whatever I did, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to embarrass you." Meryn hung her head.
    "Is that what you think?" Aiden spun and closed the distance between them in two steps.
    "I dragged you out of there before you said anything else that would have me claiming you on the tables of Darren's bakery for all of Lycaonia to see. Do you have any idea what your words did to me?" He demanded seconds before his lips descended on hers.  
    One second, she was apologizing, the next she had forgotten what planet she was on. The more he suckled and traced her lips the hotter her core became. Each pull felt like his lips were wrapped around her clit shooting sparks of pleasure through her body. All from a kiss. She felt liquid pooling between her legs and she wanted him more than she wanted anything else in her whole life.
    She pulled away, breathing hard.
    "Please." She whispered. He leaned forward and nipped at the tender skin behind her ear.
    "Please, what?" His voice had deepened to a low growl and sent shivers down her spine.
    "P-p-p-lease." She stuttered. He had been right earlier. She wasn't sexy. She had no idea how to ask him for what she needed. When he looked down his face softened.
    "It's okay, my sweet Meryn. I know. I know what you need. I'm your mate, I'll always provide for you. I'll always give you what you desire." Aiden spun her so that her back was flush against his body. Reaching around to the front of her he unsnapped her jeans and pulled them down to mid thigh with a harsh jerk. She gasped as the cold autumn air hit her heated flesh. Seconds later his large, callused hand was caressing her. Gentle fingertips traced her mound and the crease between her sex and her legs. He dipped between her dripping folds and teased her opening. Without conscious thought, she thrust her hips upward wanting more than he was providing.
    "Shush. Trust me." He whispered and bit down gently on her shoulder as his fingers found the tiny nub that had been begging for attention. She cried out and bucked again. His fingers danced and her body drew tighter and tighter. Without warning, her body exploded. She screamed out her release and arched her back. Slowly his fingers stilled. Her knees gave out and she found herself being supported by one arm. With his other hand Aiden ripped her panties from her body and used them to clean her up. Gently he pulled her jeans back up and tucked the used fabric in his coat pocket. With both hands now free, he swept her up in his arms and carried her to sit in his lap under the large oak tree.
    Meryn snuggled against his chest. No other man had ever been able to give her an orgasm before. It was as if he was the only one who could set her body ablaze. When she felt a hard bulge between them, she realized how selfish she had been. She sat back.
    "What about you? I mean you didn't ..." Meryn pointed at his crotch and he smiled and pulled her head back down to his chest.
    "I'm fine. This was for you. Your pleasure, your complete abandon was a gift. Thank you." Meryn frowned in confusion. She got a mind

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